The Texas Capitol is like a beehive.. Reports coming from Austin, are saying it is a madhouse.. During the past few weeks of this Session, no one really knows what the status of anything is, anymore.. The Helmet Bill that has been passed to the Calendar Committee is still up in the air, when or if .. it will be passed to the floor is anyone's guess.. The Failure to Yield Bill is still with the Transportation Committee and there is no word about movement.. There is no report or word, at all .. about the Insurance Bill and hopefully, the Committee will get to it.. There was a slight rumbling about the governor calling a Special Session, because of all the unfinished business remaining.. So far.. it is just a rumor and can't be confirmed.. One of the supposed officers of ABATE, NM.. has been making noise about the tragic incident in Red River, NM.. where two bikers were run over and killed by a fifteen year old kid driving without adult supervision with a learner's permit.. He's posted various newspaper accounts on another newsgroup.. Recently .. I responded to one of those posts and offered some personal input .. That offer was ignored and he continued to post other newspaper articles.. Today, I discussed that situation with one of the Sons of Liberty members.. For clarification of those not familiar with the various motorcycle advocacy groups.. Sons of Liberty is a group that is nationwide and has support in even the most isolated areas of the country..From the reports coming from the officer of ABATE, NM, very little is being accomplished other than newspaper article updates.. and letter writings coupled with newsgroup postings.. All this seems rather passive, to me.. In a state no larger than New Mexico, it would seem that Santa Fe would not be more than a couple of hours ride/drive from anywhere inside the state lines.. Not being in the state, myself.. it just seems odd, that there would be such an apparent lack of action on the part of ABATE, NM.. Personal experience with ABATE, Texas leads me to doubt, much of what is being reported by that individual who is reporting it.. Recognizing of course, it is a different state and circumstances.. in working with many of the officers of ABATE, Texas.. there seems to be a lot of differences in them, than in the leaders of that group in NM.. Meantime.. those bikers that were killed by that kid, are a brother and sister to all of us.. Sons of Liberty will surely become involved and the family survivors of that brother and sister can rest assured, that all that can be possibly done, will be accomplished on their behalf.. The Red River Incident was reported some time ago, when I first became aware of it.. Surprisingly, very little has progressed during all that time.. The District Attorney, as reported .. is a close family friend of the kid's family and seems to have been intent on just making the case "go away".. Your Friend in Irving Bill Walker