Continental speeders beware

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ace, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. Ace

    Cab Guest

    You could be right, I recall my French colleagues bitterly complaining about it
    this year, just before the ski holidays.
    I know that plod in Spain can chase into France and vv. Just a quick phone call
    to approve the chase is needed.
    This is where data laws in different Euro countries is great. They haven't come
    to any agreement for years. The different points systems (or lack of) in
    different countries doesn't help either.
    Cab, Nov 6, 2010
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  2. Ace

    ogden Guest

    While I understand what you're getting at, it strikes me as pretty
    obvious that if they're signposted they're only expecting people to slow
    down for the camera, whereas if they're hidden they're expecting people
    to assume they might be anywhere and therefore slow down everywhere just
    in case.
    ogden, Nov 6, 2010
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  3. Ace

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Heh. None in '87' AFAIK, despite the great roads round 'the chateau'.
    Quite a few floral tributes to be seen though.
    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Aprilia Shiver Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber" |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Nov 6, 2010
  4. Ace

    wessie Guest

    I quite like that, in the right place. Certainly works on the M4 around
    Newport now they have average speed cameras and a 50 limit. There seem to
    be fewer accidents and the flow of traffic is better. Of course, the 50
    limit still exists at off peak times which is would be a PITA if I used the
    M4 outside commuting times in the car.
    wessie, Nov 6, 2010
  5. Ace

    Domènec Guest

    I think it was RACC (Catalan Automobile Club) who made a map of Spain
    comparing roads with blackspots and roads with speed cameras. "Uncorrelated"
    sprang to mind.
    Living verboten.
    Domènec, Nov 6, 2010
  6. Ace

    Domènec Guest

    Or flowers and crosses in Spain.
    Domènec, Nov 6, 2010
  7. Ace

    Domènec Guest

    Same for Barcelona with an 80 (Km/h) speed limit thanks to the self-called
    eco-stalinist (sorry, eco-socialist) in the regional government. Pah, they
    will be kicked in the ass in november elections and guess what people
    expects to go away first.
    Domènec, Nov 6, 2010
  8. Ace

    Cab Guest

    I did google and read the article on wikepedia. I also understood it.
    I don't agree. Although I do agree that it's sometimes difficult to define
    one accurately.
    I do agree that in a lot of cases cameras are placed at random. It's especially
    the case in France. Furthermore I don't suggest for one minute that a camera
    should be stuck up as soon as an accident occurs. However there are areas in
    which accidents do occur. My arguement was simply that once cameras reduce
    accidents in these areas, they should be moved elsewhere.

    "failure to take into account the effects of regression to the mean results in
    the beneficial effects being overstated. It is thus claimed that some of the
    money currently spent on traffic cameras could be more productively directed

    I totally agree with the last sentence.
    Cab, Nov 6, 2010
  9. Ace

    Cab Guest

    There's a stretch of road from Bordeaux towards Pau, a national IIRC. Most of
    it is straight and yet, there are around 50 cardboard cutouts in a 30-40km
    stretch. Some of the areas where the cutouts are situated are quite surprising.
    Cab, Nov 6, 2010
  10. Ace

    Cab Guest

    Doesn't work though, does it? People slam on their anchors just as they
    see them. I'm a bit cynical. I believe if they're hidden, they're there to make
    Cab, Nov 6, 2010
  11. Ace

    nicknoxx Guest

    About 10 years ago when they built the Batheaston bypass, they installed
    a speed camera on it. 50 mph on dual carriageway with no exits for half
    a mile. It's was new road so couldn't have been an accident black spot,
    yet the camera is still there. Safety my arse.
    nicknoxx, Nov 6, 2010
  12. Ace

    davethedave Guest

    It's terrible when that happens. Those inconsiderate motorists driving
    into your plate and snapping it off. Quite common I hear. Carefour's car
    park is full of bad drivers and the parking challenged. They never have
    the decency to leave a note either.
    davethedave, Nov 6, 2010
  13. Ace

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Nov 6, 2010
  14. Ace

    Cab Guest

    Bugger, I meant areas considered to be blackspots where it's been proven that
    it's a blackspot.
    Cab, Nov 6, 2010
  15. Ace

    GeoffC Guest

    At the bottom of long hills seems to be a prime favourite.
    GeoffC, Nov 6, 2010
  16. Ace

    GeoffC Guest

    I've been flashed a couple of times, but I heard that if the fine is less
    than Euro 70 they don't bother following it up (bless 'em).
    There's a spot by Montelimar heading north, at the bottom of a long descent,
    no camera but often Gendarme with bins, a bit further up I've often seen on
    the overhead matrix a registration followed by something to the effect of
    "too fast".
    GeoffC, Nov 6, 2010
  17. Ace

    ogden Guest

    More than cynical. Paranoid.
    ogden, Nov 7, 2010
  18. Ace

    Cab Guest

    ogden wibbled forthrightly:
    Not sure I'm paranoid about them. Only when I'm not sure if I've been
    flashed or not, mind.
    Cab, Nov 7, 2010
  19. Ace

    Hog Guest

    What I can't understand is why people let them survive. I've lived near two
    and did for them both. It isn't exactly difficult and only takes a few

    Or perhaps most of the sheeple actually approve of them, a theory which
    would be supported by the multitudes who have reduced effective A road
    speeds to 50 or 45 mph.
    Hog, Nov 8, 2010
  20. Ace

    Switters Guest

    Are you suggesting/admitting vandalising and/or destroying them?
    Perhaps most people, whilst upset about the erosion of civil liberties,
    aren't willing to go as far as what you're insinuating.
    Switters, Nov 8, 2010
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