....Rock most mightily. The bike came fitted with Bridgestones, which were excellent but pricey. I made a mistake and replaced them with Michelin Pilot Road[1]. Never again. They may work well on bigger, heavier bikes, but they didn't work for me. No complaints about the mileage they offered[2], nor any real complaints about grip in the pissing down rain, but damp roads were sometimes bloody scary. Even in the dry, they never felt right to me. So, with plenty of tread left, I removed them and replaced them with the Contis. Jeez, what a difference! I have yet to ride it in the dry, but on unscrubbed new tyres in the wet on the ring road, the bike felt right. Planted, secure, confident handling again, well, for Bandit values anyways. I've only done about 50 miles on them so far, all in the rain. First impressions are favourable. If they equal the Bridgestone mileage ( ~6,500 ) and are OK in the dry, I may have found 'my tyre' [1]Not Pilot Road 2CT [2]~8,000 miles and still 3mm left on the rear, 2mm on the front.