Concorde last flight on TV this morning channel 3.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mick Whittingham, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. Mick Whittingham

    ogden Guest

    It's an age thing, isn't it. If I squint a bit, I can just about consider
    Flic Kendall. But PK? That'd be worthy of
    ogden, Nov 26, 2003
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  2. Mick Whittingham wrote
    Is this the last of the last flights it will ever make or just an
    ordinary last flight it will ever make?
    steve auvache, Nov 26, 2003
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  3. Mick Whittingham

    Steve Morgan Guest

    For those wot give a ****, I drove a 260 mile round trip in the shit and
    rain and hail and cold to take this:
    Steve Morgan, Nov 26, 2003
  4. Mick Whittingham

    sweller Guest

    Didn't go your bike then? poof.
    sweller, Nov 26, 2003
  5. Mick Whittingham

    Steve Morgan Guest

    Ooh, but I did. My fingers were like little blocks of ice, I tell you.

    <re-reads original post: d'oh>

    -drove +rode
    Steve Morgan, Nov 26, 2003
  6. Mick Whittingham

    Champ Guest

    My gf sent me a text message - it flew right over her house on it's
    way to landing in Bristle. She was quite emotional about it, as her
    dad, who died recently, spent much of his working life on this plane.
    Champ, Nov 26, 2003
  7. Nice.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Nov 26, 2003
  8. Mick Whittingham

    Platypus Guest

    Sarah reports that it flew around her office, doing a last turn around
    Bristol before finals. Personally, I'd have liked a Mach 2 beat-up...

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Nov 26, 2003
  9. Mick Whittingham

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm with you, buddy.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 28, 2003
  10. Mick Whittingham

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Good shot, how long a lens were you using to get it with the wheels up

    I live right under the flight path for one of the runways (fortunately
    they fly high enough here that the noise isn't a problem), so as the
    last of the final three fare paying flights came over I pointed a
    camera skywards and took this:
    (C) me natch :)

    I printed it up big (about 20" long) in my darkroom, looks great,
    least ways I certainly like it.

    Zobo Kolonie, Dec 3, 2003
  11. Mick Whittingham

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Dec 3, 2003
  12. Mick Whittingham

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    That's a scan of a 8"x10" copy of the image IRL, though the clouds
    have been ever so slightly tweaked digitally. The 20" long version is
    still nicely sharp, though I am also going to try it using a variety
    of different papers and developers. I'm pretty sure that with some
    more experimentation and a little dodging I can get the clouds to come
    through just the same on the non-digitally-tweaked copy. (Not having
    much in the way of expensive digital facilities I'll be sticking to my
    expensive conventional darkroom for the time being).


    ZK - anyone? :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Dec 4, 2003
  13. Mick Whittingham

    Steve Morgan Guest

    300mm on a Canon EOS300D, so it's cropped to effectively the same as a 480mm
    on 35mm.
    Nice, that. I used to enjoy my B&W darkroom in days of old, but now I'm a
    slave to Photoshop.
    Steve Morgan, Dec 13, 2003
  14. Steve Morgan wrote
    Alt-F, X
    steve auvache, Dec 13, 2003
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