compulsory or advisory

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by stevex11, Dec 11, 2006.

  1. stevex11

    stevex11 Guest

    re: the speed limit signs on the centre of motorways (the ones with the
    flashing amber lights above and below)

    Are they compulsory or advisory? I ask 'cos they are bloody useless
    and I usually ignore them. Well, I slow down a bit and try to work out
    why they have been switched on, but that's about it.

    What does everybody else do?
    stevex11, Dec 11, 2006
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  2. stevex11

    WavyDavy Guest

    AFAIK the only place temporary speed limits are actually enforceable for
    speeding offences (ignoring due care and attention or anything else you
    might get done for) is motorways.

    That said they usually are completely fucking wrong so I slow down when I
    see the first one and, if nowt is obvious within a reasonable distance then
    I slowly get back up to speed. Which would appear to be what quite a few
    other folks do too from what I have observed.

    If you don't slow at the first one you are, IMO, really asking to smack into
    the back of a slow moving queue just round the next bend....

    WavyDavy, Dec 11, 2006
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  3. stevex11

    Eiron Guest

    These flashing amber speed signs above the motorway lanes are advisory;
    they mean nothing at all.
    Eiron, Dec 11, 2006
  4. stevex11

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Speed limits are only compulsory if the signs have a red circle around
    Colin Irvine, Dec 11, 2006
  5. stevex11

    WavyDavy Guest

    Stolen from elsewhere, thus proving us both right in a win/win situation!:

    "If a temporary speed sign has a red circle around it, then it is mandatory
    and speed cameras could be used to enforce the temporary speed limit, e.g.
    50mph instead of 70mph on a motorway.

    Some temporary speed signs are advisory not mandatory. These are often
    displayed on illuminated signs with flashing lights but are not surrounded
    by a red circle.

    Where these kind of temporary signs are used then safety camera enforcement
    should be to the usual legal limit.

    However, if you chose to ignore the advisory limit then you could risk
    prosecution for driving without due care or attention, or not showing
    reasonable consideration to other road users"

    The only temporary elcetronic speed limit signs I've seen with a red circle
    are on the M25. Are there any other stretches of UK motorway where the
    signs can display the red circle?

    WavyDavy, Dec 11, 2006
  6. stevex11

    deadmail Guest

    wrote in message
    Ignore them completely and utterly.
    deadmail, Dec 11, 2006
  7. stevex11

    Eiron Guest

    M42, by Solihull.
    Don't know how legal the different limits for different lanes are.
    One night it was 20 in the left lane by each junction and 40 in the next
    lane, then both 40 between junctions. Definitely an abuse of power.
    Eiron, Dec 11, 2006
  8. stevex11

    Dan White Guest

    The new signboards that have gone up on the M4 in the last year have this
    capability if required.

    The "accident" symbol is fucking good. A car on its roof at about a 30
    degree angle, inside a red triangle... direct and to the point!
    Dan White, Dec 11, 2006
  9. stevex11

    Ben Guest

    M42 between the M6 and the M40 junctions. Full on variable speed
    limit like the M25.
    Ben, Dec 12, 2006
  10. stevex11

    Bryan Guest

    I wonder who operates the big notice-board things on the motorways. On
    the way home a couple of weeks back they had two lane closed signs and
    "Lane closed to protect workforce" or somesuch on the signs. For around
    20 miles. Turns out there are two *massive* brightly lit trucks rolling
    down lanes 2 and 3 at walking pace, with two guys walking down the road
    infront of them. No idea what they were doing or why but..seriously, if
    you can't spot two huge lorries with the worlds largest flashing
    undertake arrows on them then a small sign for the previous 20 miles
    isn't going to cut it.

    Personally, I want to be able to change the display via my mobile or

    "Red BMW: Move over, you lane hogging twat"
    Bryan, Dec 12, 2006
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