Commuting scooter / motorcycle

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by James, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    It's patently ridiculous, and the above story doesn't come close to verifying
    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
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  2. James

    muddycat Guest

    Ridiculous because you don't like it? What's to verify, the officer had
    the facts and it was on video. Haliburton are a bunch of thieves filling
    cheney's and bush's pockets.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 26, 2005
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  3. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    No, ridiculous because it's just more usenet hearsay, like Hank's "transcript"
    of Don Rumsfeld begging Saddam Hussein to reassume power in Iraq.
    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
  4. James

    Bownse Guest

    *I know* - frickin' $0.10 increase is totally unacceptable!
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  5. James

    Bownse Guest

    It doesn't say a thing about how that amount was calculated. Shipping,
    handling, processing, all the various overhead involved in getting it
    from raw to table could easily run up the cost a BUNCH when getting it
    to a front line somewhere.
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  6. At last, a considered opinion.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 26, 2005
  7. James

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Local National Workforce. Cheap as chips.
    Not really.
    Not really.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 26, 2005
  8. Oh well, OK then.

    <Kicks cat>
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 26, 2005
  9. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    I posted a documented account of an extremely anti-Halliburton website where
    that group savaged the company for charging $5 a meal when some Iraqi
    subcontractor agreed to provide the same meals for $3 per meal. (Not taking
    into account that the Iraqis that company hires are apt to be willing to work
    for a little less, and carry a little less overhead, than the Americans that
    Halliburton flies over from the U.S., but that's another off-topic thread.)

    If $20 per meal is such a reasonable estimate of Halliburton's purported
    overcharging, why would that organization have quoted the much more believable
    rate of $5 per meal as if it were a huge rip-off? Why not claim the $20.00?
    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
  10. James

    Bownse Guest

    yep. a gas war the summer before my first car got it down to 19
    cents/gal. $20 filled up my car the next year.
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  11. James

    Bownse Guest

    because they thought the extra $2 each would cause a stir and had to
    change tactics when no one cared.
    Bownse, Jun 26, 2005
  12. James

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Apparently, given the lack of specifics, the name of the episode you
    reference is "private warriors." There is an interview with a Marine
    colonel, Thomas Hammes:

    My skimming did not produce any comments about actual meal costs for
    the military, but did reveal that Colonel Hammes believes conditions
    in the "Green Zone" to be a bit luxurious for a combat theater;
    big-screen TV and really good food were mentioned.

    Now, of course, it does little good for the "winning of hearts and
    minds" to be seen living in very comfortable conditions while the
    citizens of the nation you are purportedly liberating are woefully
    unemployed and without basic utilities a significant percentage of the
    time. Such appearances could lead to insurgency.

    It would do well, if you wish to show the excesses of the
    Administration and the in-theater contractors, to be sure in your
    facts so that concise and intelligent points and counter-points can be
    raised and addressed. My 2c.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 26, 2005
  13. James

    Uncle Pirate Guest

    Damn inflation is outrageous!

    I'd bet most of those college youngsters I see daily have no idea what
    a gas war is. :)
    Uncle Pirate, Jun 26, 2005
  14. James

    bob Guest

    That depends upon a lot of things. For instance;
    might be similar. If it is not in Iraq, transportion costs must be
    figured in.

    Even if it IS in Iraq, it has to be transported around the country, and
    security forces provided to keep the terrorists from blowing up the

    What kind of taxes are levied on gas in Kuwait vs what kind in Iraq?
    How about taxes on profits? Haliburton must pay US taxes. Do the
    firms providing gas in Kuwait?

    In short, only an idiot would make the statement you made.

    bob, Jun 26, 2005
  15. James

    Reassembler Guest

    I believe you use a different test to get that number.

    Reassembler, Jun 26, 2005
  16. You do.
    You do.

    Unfortunately, you aren't.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 26, 2005
  17. Believe you're right. I think the pumps in parts of Europe advertise
    the higher "Research" octane rating, rather than the average of
    "Research" and "Motor" octane that we use in the States.
    Scott Gardner, Jun 26, 2005
  18. James

    Uncle Pirate Guest

    On the other hand, it could be presented and seen as "this is what we
    are trying to bring you." Without your government stealing every
    penny, eventually, the people can have a much better life than before
    and now. Maybe, I have rose colored glasses on, but I truly believe
    that we are trying to bring a better life to the people of Iraq. JMO
    Uncle Pirate, Jun 26, 2005
  19. James

    Simes Guest

    Odinn said:
    In most countries (including all of Europe and Australia) the
    'headline' octane that would be shown on the pump is the RON: but in
    the United States and some other countries the headline number is in
    fact the average of the RON and the MON, sometimes called the "Road
    Octane Number" or RON. This means that the octane in the United States
    will be about 5 points lower than the same fuel elsewhere: 87 octane
    fuel in the United States would be 92 in Europe.
    Simes, Jun 26, 2005
  20. James

    Simes Guest

    Mark said:
    I know too - I just typleed it rong.
    Simes, Jun 26, 2005
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