Commuting scooter / motorcycle

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by James, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. muddycat wrote
    You would rather the military foraged for their food? We used to do
    that and it didn't work. Besides it pisses off the locals which even
    the Romans knew was Not A Good Thing.

    Good innit, you are slowly and painfully acquiring a history. Perhaps
    one day you will learn from it
    steve auvache, Jun 25, 2005
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  2. James

    Ben Blaney Guest

    No tax.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 25, 2005
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  3. James

    muddycat Guest

    No, I would not want them foraging. The men and women there deserve to
    be fed well and have other comforts too. What pisses me off is
    Haliburton charging a fucking fortune for providing it. They along with
    bush/cheny are a bunch of cunts.
    We didn't learn from Viet Nam and I doubt if Afghanistan and Iraq will
    sink in either.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 25, 2005
  4. James

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Because of what it does to Dick Cheney's stock portfolio, I imagine.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 25, 2005
  5. muddycat wrote
    Who are Haliburton and where does 20usd become expensive when you are
    providing a three meals a day 24/7 carry out service to a war zone?

    Yes and?
    steve auvache, Jun 25, 2005
  6. James

    muddycat Guest

    They are a defense contractor, cheny was an officer of the company
    before he became VP. I wouldn't have a problem with $20 a day, but it's
    for one meal.
    Just making my position clear.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 25, 2005
  7. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Yes; it's quite clear that it costs EXACTLY the same to deliver a gallon of gas
    in Iraq today as it does in Kuwait. Why, any fucking moron can see *that*!
    Duh. Anyone who would dispute that is an idiot.
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  8. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Easily addressed if it's raising your BP. Buy a share of Haliburton (it is a
    publicly traded stock) and go to their next shareholder's meeting and let them
    know how you feel.

    Unless, it's just easier to piss and moan about it without doing anything about
    it. I can certainly understand that!
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  9. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  10. James

    muddycat Guest

    That would be a waste of money.
    It's easier to let the press investigate them and report on what they
    find thus raising peoples awareness of the issue.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 25, 2005
  11. James

    muddycat Guest

    muddycat, Jun 25, 2005
  12. James

    Bownse Guest

    it's $0.45 down the street a ways (regular unleaded). Gas wars are great!
    Bownse, Jun 25, 2005
  13. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  14. James

    muddycat Guest


    They interviewed several Haliburton executives who did a fantastic
    stonewall job about revealing how much stuff cost. The interviewed a
    Major (I think) who ran one base's chow hall. He gave the $20 a plate

    I CBA to dig anything else up.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 25, 2005
  15. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Yeah, I understand.
    Tim Morrow, Jun 25, 2005
  16. At those prices, Halliburton should go into wedding catering.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 25, 2005
  17. James

    Tim Morrow Guest

    Too bad those prices are merely a bad troll, then.
    Tim Morrow, Jun 26, 2005
  18. James

    Steve Guest

    Tim Morrow may have written:
    It was on PBS this past week on one of the documentary shows. The $20
    per meal quote came straight out of the mouth of the base CO. I do not
    recall which base/camp it was, but it was one of the larger ones. KBR
    (a Haliburton company) did not try to deny the claims of $20 per meal.
    Steve, Jun 26, 2005
  19. James

    Uncle Pirate Guest

    You can't be serious. Last gas war I remember was about 1971; I
    remember filling up at $0.35 a gallon.
    Uncle Pirate, Jun 26, 2005
  20. James

    muddycat Guest

    The program was Frontline, so pretty solid from my POV.

    Skype: muddycat
    muddycat, Jun 26, 2005
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