
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by JustBiggus, May 9, 2010.

  1. JustBiggus

    JustBiggus Guest

    Someone shoot that PC bitch on the supers "Experts" team PLEASE
    JustBiggus, May 9, 2010
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  2. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    Be careful what you say Gerry. :)

    theo, May 10, 2010
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  3. Why don't you be Frank and he can be Furter
    George W Frost, May 11, 2010
  4. JustBiggus

    David Robley Guest

    Or one of you could be Frank and the other, Ernest :)

    David Robley, May 11, 2010
  5. JustBiggus

    Lars Chance Guest

    Are straw men those fake identities this newsgroup seems to be full of?
    (of which this newsgroup is full?)

    A straw is something you suck with.
    Lars Chance, May 11, 2010
  6. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    That would cause an argument about the importance of being Ernest

    theo, May 12, 2010
  7. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    You can be Frank and Ernest, but if you're not Ernest, you have no

    theo, May 12, 2010
  8. JustBiggus

    Lars Chance Guest

    Ouch; that was frank!
    Lars Chance, May 12, 2010
  9. Yeah, but logic students need to get out in the real world instead of
    hiding in dark corridors in tweed jackets.
    Reverse that supposition. "She has generally been wrong before, but
    she might be right this time". Which one am I going to trust? I'll go
    with credibility. There are no guarantees but I'll take my chances on
    the first option.

    Kevin Gleeson, May 12, 2010
  10. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    My parents chose my name, I live with it. I do not care what ancient
    meaning applies to my name. I see no need to adopt the name of a long-
    dead Greek philosopher because I'm afraid of someone thinking my real
    name has derogatory connotations of German soldiers or of being very
    badly built.

    theo, May 13, 2010
  11. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    Surely no-one who has a blog has any credibility at all. :)
    You're a legend mate.
    Beer? Or are you already on the plonk?

    theo, May 13, 2010
  12. JustBiggus

    theo Guest

    Checks Harris Tweed jacket is still hanging in the wardrobe.... OK.

    theo, May 13, 2010
  13. JustBiggus

    Pietro Guest

    Sometimes engaging in a logical fallacy can be an acceptable risk. It
    depends on whether the decision requires irrefutable evidence, beyond
    reasonable doubt evidence, or balance of probabilities evidence. Logic
    really only deals with the first case, but the real world engages with the
    other two all the time, and takes risks accordingly.

    So to say 'She has always been right in the past, so she is probably right
    now' is acceptable on balance of probability. It is definitely not
    acceptable as irrefutable evidence. So whilst it is a logical fallacy, it
    is not an unreasonable basis for some decisions.

    What standard of accuracy need to be applied to the decision at hand?
    Whether to eat at a restaurant she recommends, or whether to condemn an
    accused suspect to death?

    Potential consequence can play a role in determining how strenuously we
    apply tests to the information used in making decisions, and therefore how
    strenuously we apply logical standards to those decisions.

    Pietro, May 13, 2010
  14. JustBiggus

    G-S Guest

    Paging Biker Betty to the thread :)

    G-S, May 13, 2010
  15. The said lass is far from stupid and she's an absolute stunner in my book.
    She appeals to me a lot more than the previous Box Head

    Nothing wrong with a bit of glamour I reckon. I'm also in favour of keeping
    umbrella girls and promo girls and any attractive girl on or near anything
    associated with motorcycles.

    Biggus you may prefer to look and listen to fellas and that's fair enough,
    just be a little considerate of the hetro's amongst us.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt About Lunchtime, May 13, 2010
  16. JustBiggus

    JustBiggus Guest

    The said lass is far from stupid and she's an absolute stunner in my book.
    Looks dont = brains...
    didnt see the last one, but I find it hard to imagine anyone dumber.
    Just let her stand in the background, instead of pretending to be an
    so you'd be happy with kerrie ann kennelly and jeanie little
    commentating then? I'd stick with ... I dont really know who is any
    good anymore.
    JustBiggus, May 13, 2010
  17. JustBiggus

    bikerbetty Guest

    LOL - credibility as what? The reasons people blog are many and varied...

    bikerbetty, May 13, 2010
  18. Which is what I hate about your "logic". If someone has been right 99
    times out of 100 and the other person has been right 1 time out of
    100, I really couldn't give a **** about a philosophical discussion as
    to who has been "logically" right. I'm going with the one with
    experience. Feel fee to take your chances in the other direction.

    Kevin Gleeson, May 13, 2010
  19. Any Emu stains on it?

    Kevin Gleeson, May 13, 2010
  20. JustBiggus

    Knobdoodle Guest

    So why waste (our) time trying to argue with them?
    Knobdoodle, May 13, 2010
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