Coming back with a vengence :)

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Rab, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Rab

    Rab Guest

    Hey guys,

    Used to read continuously and post occasionally.

    Find myself in a situation where I think that I'm going to have to get
    another bike and am after some current thoughts.

    I had a Blackbird from '98 that I put 100k on through touring and
    commuting before I got rid of it then a VTR a few years later that I put
    20k on from mainly commuting.

    I'm looking at probably one of either the ZX12R, Hayabusa or Blackbird
    as the next in line and was swinging towards the Kwaka. The Blackbird is
    the one I know (and loved) so are steering away from it for the sake of
    change, and personally I have a thing against Suzuki's.

    Over the last few days however its been that Suzi 1300 that I seem to be
    being drawn towards (with much self loathing and feeling dirty). I'm
    even starting to make excuses to myself over the looks of it.

    What I'm after is some ideas about where each would be lacking (I can
    find all the good points :) )

    If anyone can give any advice as to areas where I may find one bike
    slightly inappropriate I would be very grateful.

    I'll be using the beast for:

    100km/day commuting at 60-80-100km/h

    Weekend blasts (50km straight ride for 20km of hills & corners then

    Touring with and without pillion and gear - both with the destination as
    the reason or with the ride as the reason (get there quick and comfy or
    have a good ride getting anywhere)

    The Blackbird was perfect in this capacity when I had it, but, as I
    said, a change would be preferred.

    Any comments or suggestions would be very valuable at this point. I know
    how fantastic each bike is, its the areas where they are held back that
    I need to listen to.


    Andrew Carruthers
    Rab, Apr 7, 2005
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  2. Rab

    FuTAnT Guest

    I've got a ZX10R with Swan for $1500/year, $17,000 insured value. They were
    $2200 per year, but you can match quotes etc. It just goes on the grade of
    bike, which would be the same, so it looks as though QBE just won't discount
    too much because of your age etc, having said that, it's half my quote. I'm
    25 with Rating 1.

    Try a few other companies, like Arista etc as well. Also remember that Swan
    will pretty much match other quotes (they did for me, and took $700/year off
    the premium)

    '04 ZX10R
    FuTAnT, Apr 7, 2005
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  3. Rab

    Rab Guest

    Yeah - was pretty regular lurker when u got your first (just after

    Was u, kev, a bloke from WA who's name I can't recall & di's (leddi's?)
    other who had the xx's at the time.

    Thought the 12 may have been more likely to have those sort of issues.
    Is yours jetted or have pipes?

    How do you rate it against the blackbirds?

    How would an 800-1,000km day compare?

    Thanks for info

    Rab, Apr 7, 2005
  4. Rab

    Rab Guest

    I'd imagine all 3 would be pretty much in the same ball park after
    shopping around.

    Had a quote on the VTR come in at $300 because they (phone girl) put it
    as a car under 2 litres. - needless to say I accepted that quote. Was
    also with QBE who were more expensive under normal circumstances than
    Rab, Apr 7, 2005
  5. Rab

    sharkey Guest

    Typical girly BMW rider.

    sharkey, Apr 7, 2005
  6. Rab

    sharkey Guest

    Ummm ... of course, your insurance is probably invalid then,
    but what the hell, at least you got a bargain!

    sharkey, Apr 7, 2005
  7. Rab

    Rab Guest

    Nah - was confirmed after they accepted payment
    Rab, Apr 7, 2005
  8. Rab

    Conehead Guest

    And so.............?
    Conehead, Apr 8, 2005
  9. Rab

    Conehead Guest

    Accepting payment is one thing. Paying a claim is another. What does your
    policy document say?
    Conehead, Apr 8, 2005
  10. I've gone from Blackbird to Hayabusa and have been more than happy
    with both of them.

    I did the change for the same reason you mentioned, for the sake of

    The Blackbird is more refined, but the Busa is far from scrappy. Busa
    turns in a little quicker, but to be quite honest the difference isn't
    a lot in my opinion. Getting off the XX and onto the busa, they felt
    very similar apart from slightly higher pegs on the busa.

    I commute and tour and fang on the busa and it handles all situations
    very well.


    Kevin Gleeson
    Imagine It
    West Hobart
    Tasmania Australia
    Kevin Gleeson, Apr 10, 2005
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