I had occasion to witness an event the other night which had me in tears. As I was driving along one of Carlisle's main thoroughfares in the evening, two of the town's plague of scooterboys were playing silly buggers with the traffic - weaving in and out, tailgating, revving hard at red lights (on a 50cc two-stroke - not impressive) etc. As I said to my gf "that'll end in tears", one of them decided to turn left. However, as he didn't bother indicating, the other one didn't know this, and tried to pass his mate up the inside (not a euphemism). The inevitable happened, and both scooters were suddenly on their sides, with a loud crunch and other such sounds of tortured plastic. Both riders appeared to be unharmed; at least, they both got up again. I left them and drove on, laughing so much I could barely see. Was I wrong to do so?