Coffee, back in the Health News

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Again, they have new issues of whether or not coffee is good, or bad for
    us, who are addicted to to it.
    Another NEW study, is, this time sorely about whether decaf is
    particularly better for us or not!
    They, who ever they is, treated this study of coffee, like a drug study.
    They use to mainly do a survey, of how many drink plain ole' coffee, how
    often, how strong, check heart rates, this and that,blah blah blah.
    This study,with only testing decaff coffee drinkers, now, say they found
    higher blood levels of cholestrol precursor fats in those who drink
    decaf vs. regular coffee. Here is the kicker.
    They, came up with a humorous factor, in their comparison, because the
    tests show the risk factor difference, being fairly small, of decaf
    drinkers vs. regular drinkers. The humorous part is, so many do the
    donut dunk thing anyway, whether drinking decaff or regular, so what??

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Nov 17, 2005
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