
Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. A short time ago I was looking for a decent jacket to ride my 1200 cc in.

    Nothing was available that I liked in Cairns, so as I was heading to Sydney
    in couple of weeks time so I waited.

    Now I am a well build sort of guy, and trying to find much of anything in
    the larger sizes seems impossible.

    I was looking for a yellow coat so it would stand out for safety reasons,
    and was told that they only come in black in your size sir.

    I finally had to settle for a dismal looking coat in Sydney.

    Today I saw a smart looking two tone jacket on a guy riding a motorcycle as
    I was driving down the road, I would look good in it, but of course they do
    not make them in larger sizes.

    Why Not!!!!!

    Not every motorcyclist who is 'not exactly slender' wants to drive around
    dragged up in black like whistlers mother.

    The same applies to bathers, only in plain colours after a certain

    It was also the same with jeans, no 501s after a certain size.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007
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  2. RamRod Sword of Baal

    justAL Guest

    Well **** me. How about losing some weight?

    justAL, Mar 22, 2007
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  3. RamRod Sword of Baal

    J5 Guest

    maybe if you rode a 25cc
    its long wait
    then lose weight
    ah yes the safety reasons, sory mate i still didnt see ya

    then try another brand
    settle ?
    try another brand , lose weight
    why ? because
    not all overweight people wanna look in a look at me yellow jacket , nor the
    skinny ones
    so its a prob with all clothing manufacturers rather than yourself ?
    and it hasnt sunk in yet ?

    the optimistic person would say hey there is a market out there for me to
    make millions
    of dollars

    the whinger would say no one makes anything to fit fat bastards
    J5, Mar 22, 2007
  4. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Fark me; why would you wanna' wear a Sydney jacket in Cairns?!!?

    I bought a made-to-measure leather suit from Marrs' Leathers in Melbourne
    I wore it about once too after it got posted to me in Brisbane!
    Fark me it was UNBEARABLE in Brisbane weather!
    Buy something from Sri Lanka instead.
    Knobdoodle, Mar 22, 2007
  5. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Yeebok Guest

    It's the same the other way around - us little bastards don't get so
    much choice anyway. I suspect I'm gonna get told to get fat or something
    but hey. I'll deal with it 'coz it's hugz week :)
    Yeebok, Mar 22, 2007
  6. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Boxer Guest

    Brisbane bike gear.

    Airflow Boots, pants, jacket, helmet and gloves.

    and sometimes remove the jacket and just ride in a t-shirt.

    Boxer, Mar 22, 2007
  7. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Aurimas Guest

    Bigger sice is not equal to fat.
    Some people a litle bit taller then you with highest sole shoes. And not by
    1 or 2 cm

    Aurimas, Mar 22, 2007

  8. There is always one or two idiot trolls in every group, looks like I found a
    couple here.

    Not all of us are children like you.

    Go back to your 25 cc and leave the men to talk.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007

  9. Well what have we here, a top posting troll, and a brainless one at that.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007

  10. I have a leather coat, that I had down South, but as you said, it is too hot
    to wear up here, I was looking for a jacket that was both yellow and has
    safety features.

    We all know how motor cyclists seems not to be seen by some drivers, and
    yellow seemed a good colour to make me more visible.

    The coat I purchased has a removable inner lining that makes it more
    suitable for riding here.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007

  11. Actually I prefer to ride in stubbies and a t-shirt, but on longer rides
    more sensible safety type clothing is my preferred option.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007
  12. It seems that clothing manufacturers are only interested in the 'middle'
    market then.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007
  13. In on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 20:43:08 GMT
    Makes sense. Each size is a cost, spend your money where most of the
    people are to maximise your returns.

    I dislike black jackets because I find them hotter than light ones.
    most of the mesh jackets available when I bought mine were black,
    annoyed the hell out of me.

    All you can do is write to importers and manufacturers and say "please
    make jackets for large people". Find some stats about sizes and pass
    them on. Maybe ask Tiger Angel if they have thought about mesh
    jackets. They do made to measure Goretex, ask them if they could make
    you a made to measure jacket with mesh panels in the usual places.
    Never know your luck. Don't expect it to be *cheap* though.

    You could also hunt stuff in the USA because they have hot weather and
    large riders, might get lucky.

    Zebee Johnstone, Mar 22, 2007
  14. RamRod Sword of Baal

    JB Guest

    I'm a bargeass as well.

    I know a few places where you can go. What type of gear are you after?

    You can email me here

    cbr at iinet dot net dot au

    JB, Mar 22, 2007

  15. One replies to the intelligent ones with intelligent replies, the others cop
    the flak as they deserve.

    I posted a reasonable note on jacket sizing, and thank to those who posted
    intelligent replies.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007
  16. Thanks, but I have this coat now, and at the moment am not considering
    buying another.
    RamRod Sword of Baal, Mar 22, 2007
  17. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    The first time I read 'guy' as 'gay'. Maybe you would look gay in it. :)
    Aesthetics do matter.:) And they do cater to the 'cool' people who are
    prepared to spend $100+ on a pair of jeans. I buy my 'Blue Ridge' brand
    jeans from Big W when they put them out on special for $18. They look OK,
    are comfy, and come in larger sizes if you want (I wear a 92). I have seen
    size 112s there.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 22, 2007
  18. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Hey Al, it's Hugzs week, ya insensitive prick.

    (blows some kisses towards Al)
    Theo Bekkers, Mar 22, 2007
  19. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    The sensible moto group is over there ---->

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 22, 2007
  20. RamRod Sword of Baal

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    That's where the turnover is.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 22, 2007
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