....preferably without the use of a blowtorch. The GSXR (400 GK71F) hasn't started since my uncle had it running the other night, and since I'm not putting it on the road until I've sold the goose, I figured that now would be a good time to strip the carbs. Took them out, cleaned the jets and other bits and pieces. Wrote down what jets were where for future reference. Why are 1 and 3 running on 100, while 2 and 4 are running on 96? I would of presumed that all the jets would be the same. Anyway, put the cleaned out carbs back on, and the bike still didn't start. Took the plugs out which appeared wet, implying that the cylinders were flooded(?) probably from trying to start the bike. Cleaned of the plugs and reinserted them. Pressed the started, got a couple of backfires, then back to nothing again[1]. Took the plugs out, which were wet again. The bike turns over, but won't make any attempt to catch, so I've left the bike with the battery on charge. So, is the flooding why the bike won't start, and how do I clear the cylinders? [1]Also tried with the choke off and throttle fully open, as heard this helps get more air in with flooded cylinders?