Clean-cut sports star plays away shock horror probe

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Rudy Lacchin, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. Rudy Lacchin

    Rudy Lacchin Guest

    So who's the clean-cut married sports start who managed to convince a judge
    that details of his extra-marital activities should be protected by the full
    force of the law (
    Rudy Lacchin, Jul 25, 2008
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  2. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest

    That's a mental image I could *really* have done without; you ****.

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
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  3. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Bear
    You think the government should pass laws just so you can get an extra
    frisson as you tup a burd up the wrong 'un?

    You *sick* mofo.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 25, 2008
  4. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest

    You're far too kind.

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
  5. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest

    It wasn't that sort of an 'ahem'.

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
  6. Rudy Lacchin

    Champ Guest

    I don't care. The fact that plenty of other people do is irrelevant

    As this same judge said in the recent Mosley case "Not everything the
    public is interested in is in the public interest".

    ZX10R | GPz750turbo | GSX-R 600 racer
    My advice as your attorney is to buy a motorcycle
    To email me, neal at my domain should work.
    Champ, Jul 25, 2008
  7. Rudy Lacchin

    Champ Guest

    Really? Crikey, you move quick. Well done.

    ZX10R | GPz750turbo | GSX-R 600 racer
    My advice as your attorney is to buy a motorcycle
    To email me, neal at my domain should work.
    Champ, Jul 25, 2008
  8. Rudy Lacchin

    Eiron Guest

    Jeremy Heywood?
    Eiron, Jul 25, 2008
  9. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest


    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
  10. Rudy Lacchin

    Champ Guest

    Y'know, I'm slightly worried that I managed to work that out with
    almost no effort at all.

    ZX10R | GPz750turbo | GSX-R 600 racer
    My advice as your attorney is to buy a motorcycle
    To email me, neal at my domain should work.
    Champ, Jul 25, 2008
  11. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest

    Thank you!
    Someone *always* has to ruin the moment.

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
  12. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest

    And rightly so.

    Btw, where's the videos of you wheelying the chair? I used to have
    minutes of fun doing that in a mate's mum's (MS) once I'd managed to
    get the bitch out of it.

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 25, 2008
  13. Rudy Lacchin

    Champ Guest

    <appalling admission>

    I haven't worked out how to do it yet.

    ZX10R | GPz750turbo | GSX-R 600 racer
    My advice as your attorney is to buy a motorcycle
    To email me, neal at my domain should work.
    Champ, Jul 26, 2008
  14. Rudy Lacchin

    Krusty Guest


    It's really incredibly easy. Stoppies otoh...

    Off-Road Classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger 955i '96 Tiger '79 Fantic Hiro 250
    Krusty, Jul 26, 2008
  15. Rudy Lacchin

    darsy Guest

    and what a great quote that is.
    darsy, Jul 26, 2008
  16. Agreed, but the trouble is that the boundaries get blurred.

    Classic case: Profumo. In that case he was bonking a girl who was also
    being bonked by a Russian spy. I'd suggest that that was an issue of
    national security.

    And look at "legislation creep" (A term I've just adapted from the
    military expression "mission creep", with which I'm sure you're
    familiar). Consider how so-called anti-terrorist laws have been used to
    check how people are loading their dustbins, ffs, and then consider how
    similar privacy legislation would be (mis)used.

    I agree that the tabloids' grubbing around in people's lives is nasty
    (but then, it's fed by the equally nasty cult of celebrity and the
    popular obsession with it) but IMHO, freedom of speech etc is one of
    those things that, once you start restricting it, you are unlikely ever
    to get it back.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 26, 2008
  17. I agree. I just think - no, am absolutely certain - that a privacy law
    will be abused. Badly.
    There I'd agree. OTOH, Frog Presidents manage to get immunity from
    prosecution for anything they've done during their tenure, and I find
    that appalling. It's Third World African stuff. Couple that with a
    privacy law, and you swing too far the other way, IMHO.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 26, 2008
  18. Because someone will pull strings. Because someone will intimate that
    there's a security aspect to the story, and that it's in the national
    interest not to publish it. Because someone will have a friend
    somewhere. Because someone will exert undue pressure.

    The question you ought to ask is: "Who decides whether a story should be
    made public?" and work from there.

    Sorry if that's a pessimistic outlook, but I'm deeply pessimistic about
    the erosion of personal liberty these days. It's one of the few things I
    feel really strongly about.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 26, 2008
  19. Rudy Lacchin

    Colin Irvine Guest

    The trouble is I don't think you can start trying to define terms like
    "national interest" and "gutter press" in legislation. You have to
    allow the courts to judge each case on its merits. I reckon the
    present system ain't broke and doesn't need fixing, and iin particular
    we don't need any more laws.
    Depending on how you define "national interest" I read them every day.
    Colin Irvine, Jul 26, 2008
  20. Loads.

    Thalidomide, Cash for Questions, Cash for Honours, Jeffrey Archer, Cecil
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 26, 2008
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