class of '96

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by darsy, Jul 3, 2005.

  1. darsy

    Salad Dodger Guest

    What you do, is win £35 on "7", then accidentally leave £5 on it for
    another spin. When that drops in, cash up and walk away. Worked for
    me. Once. By accident.
    Salad Dodger, Jul 5, 2005
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  2. darsy

    Eiron Guest

    As you still don't understand probability, why not write down the 37
    their colours and columns, and your profit if the ball hits that number?

    There are 10 numbers where you win £2,
    14 numbers where you win nothing,
    8 numbers where you lose £1,
    5 numbers where you lose £3.

    So on average in 37 plays you will lose £3,
    which is not expensive for a half hour's entertainment.
    Eiron, Jul 5, 2005
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  3. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Colin Irvine says...
    I'm glad I'm not a gambler. It seems like bloody hard work for little
    or no gain.
    Lozzo, Jul 5, 2005
  4. darsy

    Colin Irvine Guest

    ITYF that, rather than admit he knows ****-all about probabilities,
    Rope has deserted this thread to go and winge down there V
    Colin Irvine, Jul 5, 2005
  5. That's the one I recall. Not on the box though; there was a writeup on
    it somewhere.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 5, 2005
  6. darsy

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Indeed. The most money is to be made where the odds are estimates -
    stocks and shares, horses, that kind of thing. Of course if you come
    up against someone like Rope you reach for a pack of cards and beg him
    to play poker or vingt-et-un.
    Colin Irvine, Jul 5, 2005
  7. darsy

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Or "Snap!"
    Salad Dodger, Jul 5, 2005
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Salad Dodger
    Happy Families, IWHT...

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Suzuki TS250 "The Africa Single"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jul 5, 2005
  9. darsy

    Ginge Guest

    Top trumps.

    "I've got a blue car with 3 feet of scratches down the side, beat that!"
    Ginge, Jul 5, 2005
  10. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Ginge says...
    "I've got a Madass with 2 broken indicators"
    Lozzo, Jul 5, 2005
  11. darsy

    Ginge Guest

    Sorry, you lost.
    Ginge, Jul 5, 2005
  12. darsy

    petrolcan Guest

    Thick implies a moment of stupidity.
    petrolcan, Jul 5, 2005
  13. darsy

    Steph Guest

    Have you seen my car recently? (i.e. before it got impounded by the
    garage as too dangerous to drive?)
    Steph, Jul 6, 2005
  14. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Klaatu says...
    I know where mine is. My little sister still has it. Her son's helping
    her restore it ready for his 16th in 2 years time.
    Lozzo, Jul 6, 2005
  15. darsy

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Fake layout innit - 17 blacks and 19 reds. 28 should be black, not

    Did you do that deliberately?
    Colin Irvine, Jul 6, 2005
  16. darsy

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Must be late. I'll have a "whoosh" please Bear.
    Colin Irvine, Jul 6, 2005
  17. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    They've got a job and a half on their hands. I owned it for a full
    year, numerous crashes and 15,000 miles, and little sis did **** all to
    maintain it in the 3 years she used it. Before I had it my elder
    sisters had done 12,000 miles on it between them, without it getting so
    much as a gearbox oil change or new piston rings. I gave it its first
    rebore after I seized it on my way from Leicester to Reading. It hasn't
    had one since and when last started it rattled like Auvache on a z-bed.
    Neglected doesn't even come close to describing it.

    About 2 years ago my dad found a cardboard box in his garage with my
    name on it, inside was the original pedal chain, the standard
    handlebars and a rack.
    Lozzo, Jul 6, 2005
  18. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Klaatu says...
    Not bloody likely. Mine did about 45ish on the flat with the wind
    pushing and maybe 55 if ridden chin on tank down Wilstead hill on the
    A6. Mine wasn't a fast one, pretty average tbh.
    Lozzo, Jul 6, 2005
  19. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Klaatu says...
    Strictly speaking, mine wasn't a Fizzy. It's one of the original Yamaha
    (sixteener special?) SS50 models in purple.
    Lozzo, Jul 6, 2005
  20. darsy

    Lozzo Guest

    Klaatu says...
    They dropped the E from the end in 1977 when they brought out the M
    model, which was restricted to 30mph to comply with the new laws for
    mopeds. From then on we got a custom version and a few other odd
    looking things, none of which matched the original SS and Fizzy models
    for style.
    Lozzo, Jul 6, 2005
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