Claiming for injuries against your own CTP?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Mustang Sally, May 24, 2004.

  1. Git yerself a lawer son, git yerself a real good one...

    Iain Chalmers, May 24, 2004
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  2. Mustang Sally

    Vulture Guest

    Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
    To say "hello" LOL!
    Vulture, May 24, 2004
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  3. Some, yes...
    Why do I have this impression that, as imbeciles have a tendency to do,
    you're hee-hawing at something you haven't actually understood?

    You could dispel that by:
    1. Convincing me that you have, indeed, understood what I've said.
    2. Pointing out the part of my contention which you consider sufficiently
    erronous to be giggle-worthy.
    2. Outlining an alternative scenario, more closely based on reality.
    (oops, there I go, putting commas and hyphens into sentences again,
    compounding the problem...)

    (why is it always the 'Blade pilots, and what odds that he'll read "hyphen"
    as "hymen" and come back with something about needing to lose my virginity
    before being allowed to comment in an exchange among grown-ups)
    Intact Kneeslider, May 24, 2004
  4. ]
    I'm thinking you would be better asking serious legal advice. Remember the
    old saying "The most expensive lawyer usually is the cheapest in the long
    run" this has been my experience (not in the personal disability field).
    There are plenty of sharks out there willing to slowly bleed your
    entitlements into their hands, whereas a true pro gets it done (okay they
    cost plenty ) and gets on with the next case. Also whilst many in this forum
    are sincere, their opinions don't count for much when you are in the court
    room :)
    Just my 2cents !!
    Rheilly Phoull, May 24, 2004
  5. Mustang Sally

    Brendon Guest

    You also might try postung this to
    Brendon, May 24, 2004
  6. Mustang Sally

    Biggus Guest

    Tell that to the person that won a big payout from their council when they lost an eye due to a magpie attack.

    Thats different to road conditions.. neither the RTA/Vicroads or
    coucils will own up when it comes down to it will admit who is in
    control of that section of road.
    Biggus, May 24, 2004
  7. And in, no less...
    Intact Kneeslider, May 24, 2004
  8. Mustang Sally

    John Littler Guest

    By definition no, you can't, I question the solicitor in question's

    Compulsory 3rd party injury insurance (AKA green slip or CTP) in **NSW**
    is strictly and ONLY for insurance against the injury of parties OTHER
    than the rider/driver. You are, by definition the first party (if
    driving the "at fault" vehicle. It's not a big logic jump to realise
    that if you're not a 3rd party you can't claim against 3rd party insurance.

    And you asked on USENET ? <shakes head and wanders off bemused>

    (who isn't a solicitor but has been screwed by a few, metaphorically
    speaking of course)
    John Littler, May 24, 2004
  9. Mustang Sally

    John Littler Guest

    The only state in Australia that is true is Victoria where the TAC is a
    no fault insurance scheme

    John Littler, May 24, 2004
  10. Mustang Sally

    feral Guest

    Well Sal, I claimed personal injury through Tasmanian CTP
    whilst driving my Qld registered camper down there. I was hit
    by a Tas rental car driven by a stupid yank, yes stupid.
    However it doesn't matter whether it's single or multiple vehicle.
    The fools at CTP Tas wanted nought to do with me over the
    phone (told me to go home to QLD and claim), then I marched
    into their office in Devonport and demanded to see the
    manager. All the accounts and OOP's were quickly accounted for
    then and a certain party was sent for retraining. Nothing like
    face to face, one on one IMHO

    T.C. Feral
    feral, May 24, 2004
  11. In on Mon, 24 May 2004 19:44:14 +1000
    Yes. hit by someone else.

    If you'd hit a tree, you couldn't have claimed.

    Zebee Johnstone, May 24, 2004
  12. Mustang Sally

    John Littler Guest

    Yes but you WERE the third party in that instance - the Yank in question
    was the "at fault 1st party", so you would be entitled to claim (as
    opposed to neccessarily actually receive) against CTP or equivalent in
    any state or territory of Oz

    John Littler, May 24, 2004
  13. That's all well and good and worthy of being written down on a piece of
    paper, but seeing how there's some conceptual distance between "Claiming for
    injuries against your own CTP" and "Claiming against someone else's CTP
    after the insurance company staff get confused by their own job", it
    would've helped if you'd actually emphasised that that's the point you were
    trying to make...

    ....from where I sit, it read like you were in too much of a hurry to share a
    story which illustrates what a
    don't-try-to-****-me-unless-you're-a-Swedish-backpacker mofo you are to
    ascertain what actual thrust of the query was first.

    "Oh, a CTP discussion. I had something to do with CTP once. I better post
    the details."
    Intact Kneeslider, May 24, 2004
  14. Mustang Sally

    feral Guest

    Maybe, maybe not, my point was, (if you weren't so quick to
    gaboff); don't let them fob you off. Sometimes they're wrong.
    In Sals case I believe you are right, but she could try.

    T.C. Feral
    feral, May 24, 2004
  15. Actually, there are a couple of CTP policies provide in Qld where the
    driver is also covered in certain circumstances. They are Suncorp and
    Allianz if I remember correctly.
    Graeme Willox, May 24, 2004
  16. Mustang Sally

    feral Guest

    John Littler wrote:

    I know that, I said that. However I don't know Sals full
    circumstances, but they (CTP) can be wrong sometimes, so she
    could try. There may be extenuating circumstances ( a falling
    branch was driven into her by the wind), I don't know.

    T.C. Feral
    feral, May 24, 2004
  17. Mustang Sally

    John Littler Guest

    Strictly speaking that is additional insurance purchased at the same
    time as your CTP (and is a seperate policy from an underwriting perspective)

    John Littler, May 24, 2004
  18. Mustang Sally

    feral Guest

    From where I sit, it seems like the "hollow pipe's" getting a
    bit of a workout. :)
    Had a bit to do with CTP have you?

    T.C. Feral
    feral, May 24, 2004
  19. Mustang Sally

    Moike Guest

    I love harsh week.

    Moike, May 24, 2004
  20. Posts, at best, semi-relevant information, then, when pulled up on it,
    instead of slinking off muttering "Ok, I fucked up, must remember to curb
    tendency to bignote myself in the future", or at the very least, digging in
    and mounting some sort of Thermopyllean defence, resorts to the killfile
    following an off-the-shelf parting shot.

    Class, sheer class.
    Intact Kneeslider, May 24, 2004
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