Choke suggestions

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I keep posting about this, but for some reason the posts never seem to
    show up. Anyway, I snapped the choke cable on my motorcycle while I
    was in Mexico last month. Since then, I have to almost dismantle the
    motorcycle to get the choke to come on when I need it. I've been
    looking at the dealers to get another choke cable, but they can't seem
    to find one. Has anyone ever heard of these things being fixable or
    rebuildable? It snapped at the very end where it connects to the pull
    in the handlebar control. Before I cut into the cable to get it to
    work on a different method, I thought I'd check and see if anyone
    knows if one of those end pieces can be put back on and repaired. Any
    Brian Walker, Oct 2, 2004
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  2. In the shop I worked at, we used to make cables all the time. We used to
    keep a box of cable ends in different sizes and we had cables of
    different diameters and lengths in stock with no ends. We could build
    any type of cable that was needed. I am sure that an independent shop
    could still do this for you.

    You may have enough free play in your old cable to attach a new end.
    Failing this, you may be able to make due with a cable saver. This is a
    cable end with set screw in it. You slip it over the offending cable end
    and lock down the set screw. It is not a great solution but it may buy
    you some time. Take your old cable to an independent shop and have them
    match the closest cable to it in length and end play. Some generic
    cables even have adjusters built in.

    If you broke your choke cable check your choke for sticking operation. A
    choke cable should last longer than any other cable on your bike.

    Ingram_and_Friends, Oct 2, 2004
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  3. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Fortunately, that's the only cable I have on the bike...other than the
    throttle cables.

    I'll check with shops to see if they can do that.

    Brian Walker, Oct 3, 2004
  4. Brian Walker

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Hey Brian,

    Have you checked over at They even had the choke cable for
    my '82 Maxim...

    My best friend also has an '86 Shadow VT1100C, and he's always had a hard
    time getting parts that were specific to that year only... it frustrates
    him to no end...

    Rex S.

    (Brian Walker) wrote in
    ShadowHawk, Oct 3, 2004
  5. Brian Walker

    fullstate Guest

    I find it hard to believe that a dealer can't locate a cable for
    you.....but regardless of that, I would think any competent mechanic
    shop with a guy that can do a bit of fabrication should be able to
    help you out there.

    If you don't have any ideas that come to mind, let me know and I'll
    get in touch with someone that can probably help you out.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Oct 3, 2004
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