Choices in life

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by IceMan, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. IceMan

    IceMan Guest

    I have the "Oppertunity" to trade my 99 Honda Shadow Spirit 1100 in for either
    a: 1998 Honda Valkyrie with 4335 miles on it.. it will run me an additional
    $2000.00 to get it
    or a:
    1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Classic
    with 3123 miles on it
    or I can hang on to my Honda spirit that has 10000 miles on it and the only
    thing I have had to do is change the rear tire once and have had no problems
    with since I have gotten it.
    I dont know enough about either bike to know which one is a better deal.
    or what kind of problems are common with either of these bikes.
    I would like to hear your personal OPINIONS and experiences on either one or
    both of these bikes.
    and if you happen to know what is considered a good deal I would like to hear
    that also.I am not in a rush to change out a bike that I have really enjoyed
    unless it is for something bigger but I dont want to get a bike with a ton of
    problems either

    IceMan, Nov 10, 2003
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  2. IceMan

    Bart Mauldin Guest

    If you want to save yourself some time...
    Go ride the Valkyrie (make sure the tire pressure is at about 40 psi front
    and 42 psi rear).
    Oh, and take $2,000 with you.

    The Valkyrie is an excellent motorcycle, they do go through tires a little
    fast, but Avons
    seem to last quite a bit longer than the stock Dunlops( 20k compared to 8k)
    if you keep
    the pressure up. I am sure the Vulcan is a great bike too, I just don't have
    any experience
    with it. A 1998 Valkyrie standard with 4300 miles should be anywhere from
    $8000 to $9000
    in the DFW area. A 99 Spirit and $2000 sounds fair to me but you know the
    value of your
    bike better than I do.

    Good Luck,
    Bart Mauldin
    Bart Mauldin, Nov 11, 2003
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  3. IceMan

    lhp Guest

    Get the Valkyrie if you want to improve the quality of your cruise.
    Whether cruising or sport riding, the Valk can't be outdone. It is
    one fine piece of machinery. Mine is a 2002 with 10k on it, and I
    still smile from ear to ear when I ride her. And some days I kiss my
    baby on the tank with a 'thank you miss'. I have checked into
    arrangements to be burried with my Valk.
    lhp, Nov 20, 2003
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