Well its now a 79 CX500 @£500 with test and rent till 02/04 (her indoors wont let me have anymore pennys!) The eurosport model I went to see was a blast! This guy had it in the auto trader @£795 last month and @£695 this month. Worth a look methinks cause it looked well in the piccie. Anyway get there and the guy starts off with its got a full 12 month ticket mate then says er the front brakes might need bleeding (lever back to the bar!!)and ive cut the right hand exhaust off and blocked it up cause it was a bit blowy oh yeah and it needs tuning cause its only running on one.So just to humor the guy I asks what will you take for it then and he says I wont take less than £650! Priceless!!Dont ask me why I wont one cause I dont know either!!