Cheeky bugger

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Erm, that should have been a question:

    Have you got the link?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 13, 2008
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  2. TOG@Toil

    Cab Guest

    Have you ever worked for the sun?
    Cab, Sep 13, 2008
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  3. That's more or less it. He was being dishonest.

    When I sell motorcycle components, figuring out p&p is very much a
    finger-in-the wind sort of thing. I've got a pretty good idea of what
    stuff costs to send now, and heavy stuff goes via Parcel2Go, and I tend
    to err on the side of caution (for me), so most items are charged for
    slightly more than the simple postage cost.

    As others have said, there's the cost of carting the stuff to the PO to
    take into account.

    OTOH, I've frequently *under* estimated postage costs, and had to fork
    out an extra quid or two or three. I suppose it all balances out in the

    A couple of years ago, I had a brand new exhaust system for a 1970s
    Kawasaki (ie: a component sought-after by restorers and utterly
    unobtainable from Kawasaki). The winning bidder was in France. It so
    happened I was going to spend a shopping weeknd in France, a couple of
    days after I received payment. So I took it with me, all wrapped, and
    posted it from a French PO (way, way cheaper than sending from the UK)
    and Paypal'd him a nice fat refund.

    Got some decent FB for that ;-)

    So why not wrap and weigh everything before sale, and get an accurate
    postage cost figure? Because very often, when I'm listing a ouple of
    dozen components at the same time, a bidder will win two or more items,
    and then I chuck them in the same pack and consolidate (ie: reduce) p&p

    But charging £50 for posting an item whose postage cost is about a fifth
    of that is taking the piss. Having incorrect contact details on Ebay is
    also taking the piss. And saying "By all means come and collect but I'll
    still change you p&p" is also taking the piss.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 13, 2008
  4. TOG@Toil

    Fran Guest

    All of those things may be valid - but the question still remains: why did
    you bid, given that you knew the stated postage?
    Fran, Sep 13, 2008
  5. As I've said several times before, I didn't check[1]. I just saw the
    price, saw it was very local, and clicked BIN.

    As I've also said several times, this was my error.[1]

    As I've also said several times, such an extortionate sum contravenes
    Ebay's p&p rules.[1]

    And as I've also said, he subsequently said I was welcome to collect -
    but he'd still demand £50 p&p.[1] That was definitely where I saw red.

    [1] You haven't been following this thread, really, have you?[2]
    [2] Unless it was on the postings where the f/u to upce was snipped, and
    it only went to ukrm.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 13, 2008
  6. TOG@Toil

    Crunchie Guest

    I didn't think the neg was fair but the seller could have easily avoided it
    by adjusting his attitude.

    I would have thought it unfair if I'd have been negged over my 99p + £22
    post items simply because it was obvious to all but the terminally stupid
    what was happening. I probably got off lightly come to think about it.

    Crunchie, Sep 13, 2008
  7. TOG@Toil

    Fran Guest

    Ah, maybe. I'd been following it on upce only. I'm just surprised at you.
    <grin> Too much claret before reading? ;)
    Fran, Sep 13, 2008
  8. TOG@Toil

    Crunchie Guest

    No-one did. Although some refused to pay the high P&P. In which case, I just
    closed by mutual agreement.
    That was a point I oftem made. Myself and all the other high P&P sellers
    were just trying to offer the best *combined* price. Some didn't see it that
    way but obviously agreed to some extent with what I told them. Otherwise I'd
    have had the crap negged out of me.
    He's said the high postage only came to his attention after the 'Buy it
    Now'. If that was me then I'd have thought "shit" and either paid or, more
    likely, I'd have attempted to negotiate some discount. I wouldn't have
    negged even if the seller wouldn't budge from the final combined price.

    Crunchie, Sep 13, 2008
  9. TOG@Toil

    Crunchie Guest

    I purchased an item this afternoon, I don't remember seeing the P&P on the
    confirm purchase page. I'm not saying you're wrong but it wasn't that
    obvious if it was there !

    Crunchie, Sep 13, 2008
  10. TOG@Toil

    Beav Guest

    Ebay item 130254435697

    A pair of silencers for my Ducati, at a bargain priceof £30. Useful as
    spares, just to tuck away (new, they're something like £160 a side).
    And the seller is just down the road from me, so no need to post. Just
    as well, as he's demanding an eye-watering £50 to post (or about four
    times the actual cost).

    He's just told me the price is £80 whether I collect or not. What to
    do? Neg instantly and move on? Report him to Ebay?

    Neg the fucker, then nip round and deck him for good measure.

    That should teach the little scote a thing or two.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Sep 13, 2008
  11. TOG@Toil

    Beav Guest

    I imagine that when (if) they do, the men in charge won't give a flying
    ****. They'll have made more money in a week than most peole will in their
    lives and I'm sure a few pissed off customers aren't going to appear on
    their worry radar.


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19
    Beav, Sep 13, 2008
  12. TOG@Toil

    muddy cat Guest

    Full of cunts, run by cunts. I hope I never have to work there again.
    muddy cat, Sep 13, 2008
  13. TOG@Toil

    des Guest

    { f-u to }

    You don't (I assume) know the person posting as 'TOG', but evasion of
    personal responsibility is his trademark.

    There is one (sort of) famous example which illustrates this. TOG was
    riding his motorcycle through France one day a few years back, and
    noticed that he was running low on fuel. It was a Sunday. He stopped
    at an unmanned petrol station, and was shocked to note that the pump
    only accepted French cards, i.e. those with the little 'smart chip' on

    Now, most people in such a situation would have slapped their own
    forehead, realised that they had erred in a) not filling up earlier or
    b) not checking beforehand that one's chosen method of payment was
    accepted in the foreign country to which one was travelling, and
    thought, '**** me, I was a bit of a daft bastard' (as for example, I
    said in 2004 when I left my driving licence here in France, and didn't
    even think to 'blame' the car hire companies in Dallas, when they
    refused to accept a photocopy of said document, thus condemning me to
    two weeks without a hire car).

    Not TOG. No, according to him, it was the fault of the French for not
    accepting his card.

    Well, I say 'the French', but of course that's not what TOG calls us. In
    TOG's Little Engländer world, the French are 'Frogs', the Italians are
    'Dagos', the Spaniards are 'Wops', the Germans are 'Krauts' or
    'Boxheads', the Dutch are 'Cloggies', the Americans are 'Yanks', the
    Welsh are 'Taffies', the Scots are 'Jocks', the Irish are 'Paddies', the
    Russians are 'Ruskies', the Japanese are 'Nips', the Canadians are
    'Canucks', the Jews are 'Kikes' (or sometimes 'Yids'), the Chinese are
    'Chinkies' ... and so on.

    I haven't personally read him call a black person 'wog,' 'nig-nog' or
    'darkie', but given his record for sheer bigotry (of which the above is
    alas, but a taster), I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that he has
    done so.

    So whatever you do, don't expect him to 'fess' up and say, 'fuckin'
    'ell, I was a bit of a prick, there...'

    des, Sep 13, 2008
  14. TOG@Toil

    des Guest

    We'll still inherit the world.

    des, Sep 13, 2008
  15. TOG@Toil

    Pip Luscher Guest

    You're revealing a murky past.
    Pip Luscher, Sep 13, 2008
  16. TOG@Toil

    muddy cat Guest

    Not really past enough to suit me.
    muddy cat, Sep 13, 2008
  17. TOG@Toil

    YTC#1 Guest

    I disagree, The term "postage and packaging" implies the items will be
    "packaged" and then posted.

    *not* delivery
    *not* collection

    It would amount to fraud to charge for something not supplied.
    YTC#1, Sep 13, 2008
  18. TOG@Toil

    YTC#1 Guest

    Now that sounds to be be the *best* suggestion so far... except he stated
    YTC#1, Sep 13, 2008
  19. TOG@Toil

    YTC#1 Guest

    I like cunts
    YTC#1, Sep 13, 2008
  20. TOG@Toil

    muddy cat Guest

    I like pussy.
    muddy cat, Sep 13, 2008
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