
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Rider, May 25, 2004.

  1. Rider

    Rider Guest

    Does anyone use these? How are they? I'm interested in the GMRS version
    for range. Can you use a single unit as an intercom on the same bike as
    well as bike-to-bike FM transmission?
    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 25, 2004
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  2. Rider

    Rider Guest

    That does help, thanks. Sounds like just what I'm looking for. Do you
    remember, offhand, what site you purchased from? The lowest I've seen so
    far is $250. I'd love to find some for less. TIA!
    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 25, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Rider

    Rider Guest

    Thanks again!
    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 25, 2004
  4. Rider

    Rider Guest

    That was Dragonmate, not me. MAW is that bad, huh? I sure get bombarded
    by their catalogs, though I've never ordered from them. I'll keep your
    warning in mind...thanks!
    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 25, 2004
  5. Rider

    Bownse Guest

    They spam my mailbox all the time. I'd never buy from a company that
    does UCE.
    Bownse, May 26, 2004
  6. Rider

    Rider Guest

    Heh heh! Good point.

    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 26, 2004
  7. Rider

    Rider Guest

    Ok. You guys have convinced me. I'm trashing their catalogs.
    tw (SPAM FILTER: Take out MY BIKE to reply)
    2004 KLR650
    2000 YZF600R
    1981 GPz550
    Rider, May 26, 2004
  8. Rider

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hey Johnson... That old metric still holding up alright after all those
    miles you and your friend put on them during the Waltz run.... LOL.... His
    mileage was reported at 547 miles and 0 points... Sheesh .. 12 hours...
    Ya'll must've stopped to rest somewhere...
    Bill Walker, May 27, 2004
  9. Rider

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hey Trash... send it to Sunny... Another Viewer might can use it though..
    LOL... Seems like he's done got himself exposed... ain't it a hoot... Since
    you and him are so close, he'll probably roll over on your trashy ass...
    Group Hug....
    Bill Walker, May 27, 2004
  10. Rider

    Brian Walker Guest

    And we thought that "group ride" in Plano was bad...that was 120 miles
    in 5 hours. I believe that would've been in comparison to this 547 in
    12 hours.

    I wonder if Johnny got his money's worth from that ride?
    Brian Walker, May 27, 2004
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