[QUOTE="tallbloke"] Well no. I was being flippant, I'm sorry if you lost your contract position through it.[/QUOTE] Oh, I didn't; I chose not to take it up- I think to be honest that the position only arose once there was a little more clarity about the future. [QUOTE] I just think that if the publics money has to be poured in to make the network viable and safe, then none of it should be skimmed off as profit. I think the Govt has done the rightest possible thing (tm) with a screwed up situation. The Tories should never have privatised it in the first place IMO.[/QUOTE] I think the whole privatisation thing went too far. Had Railtrack been in a better state then *maybe* it wouldn't have been so bad privatising it. I think (possibly) what was worse than the privatising was making one company responsible for the track and others for running the services; it didn't make any sense to me at all. *If*, and it's a big if, it were possible to run Railtrack with a similar quality of service and a lower cost to the public purse whilst allowing the owners to draw a dividend then I'd have no problem with that. However, when the track had been underinvested in for years (it appears from the press) then it was a bad idea. I justified my reasons for 'stagging' the issue elsewhere. Should they privatise it again and it appears possible to turn a few quid by buying their shares I'll do it- not because I agree with the privatisation but because as you rightly said I owned a piece of it anyway and if it's being sold for less than the asset's value I want the potential profit myself rather than leaving someone else to take it. Well that and I'm a money-grabbing twat.