[QUOTE] Even the CTO? The FD doesn't run the company, he just heads up the finance dept. [/QUOTE] Also IM-twice-over-the-years-E the MD listens to the COO, the FD and the Sales & Marketing wallah(s). No other board members listen properly to the CTO, this isn't necessarily because the CTO can't explain in human language how various IT strategies / proposals can help the company to achieve its stated goals (though this can be a problem in some cases), it's more a cultural thing wherein the other board members or senior managers see someone who is 'something to do with those pesky computer thingies' and immediately go into full on shutdown mode; though sometimes they pretend that they're listening and come up with 'helpful' alternatives (i.e. 'This is how it will be done, we have spoken!'). It's not like that everywhere, but when it is that way it is very infuriating. ZK