Changes in Motorcycle Inspections

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    Early this morning one of my students stopped by the shop and wanted to
    talk. I listened as he told me how bleak society seems to him. He went on to
    say how negative he had become, and disliked everyone he came into contact
    with. Automatically, he says, he runs people down, makes up stuff about them
    and uses every opportunity to spread his criticism. He is convinced he is
    the worst example of a human being. To cheer him up, I just forwarded him
    this. He will go to bed tonight knowing worst case, he is No. 3........
    Louie, Sep 23, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    By the examples that you represent, at least, in respect to this newsgroup,
    I'd say that "student" has every reason to feel depression..

    Fortunately, I don't have young folks in the school system, anymore.. By
    virtue of the fact that someone with as little judgement as you, in that
    system .. might influence them.. I'd seriously consider "home schooling"
    before I'd allow you to become a part of their learning..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hmmmm.. I must have missed something .. Whose issue is "that" ? So far..
    the issue has been about handlebars and tail lights requirements, which MAY
    or MAY NOT be included in legislation that could be voted on in the upcoming
    legislature, next January..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You've been quite outspoken about your opinions of "issues".. The
    regulations which govern anyone must meet guidelines of legislation.. EPA
    regulations already are in place to prohibit tampering with fuel
    carburations and exhaust systems..

    There is speculation that other regulations are being considered that will
    determine the appearance of motorcycles.. Some detailed touring bikes could
    also be affected by both the handlebar height and the tail light placement..
    Most of the touring bikes look like Christmas Trees when they are lit up..

    Cruisers are detailed with a lot of chrome..

    Sport bikes are designed for the performance of speed and agility..

    Sport Touring bikes are designed for long distance touring and speed..

    Sport bikes have taken an especially hard rap, in the minds of the public,
    recently.. The antics of some of the sport riders have made them targets for
    public criticism..

    Regulations and legislation which ban them from public streets and highways
    is only a breath away.. All that is necessary, is for some idiot legislator
    to tack his Bill onto legislation of merit which would be successfully voted
    into legislation.. In that case, you could haul your motorcycle to the track
    and ride it there..

    As usual .. you have failed to grasp the implications of the ISSUE.. Since
    it doesn't affect you, at this time, it is OK and you agree..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are truly a detestible little prick..<chuckle>

    This occasional glimpse into the twitterings of
    Sneaky little twit, aren't you.. Seems like you never miss an opportunity to
    attack me or Brian..That appears to represent an obsessive compulsion
    complex.. Might want to look into that Albert, could be a serious flaw in
    your character..
    In other words.. you are saying that you got in a piss fight with Brian and
    he ate your lunch.. LMAO..
    WTF are you babbling about ?????? Who the hell is riding a motorcycle with
    no front brakes.. Are you that damned simple minded.. you blithering
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I refer back to my original post.. Read it.. What is being addressed is not
    the "issue" .. Most of these people do not understand that EPA regulations
    have already made most of our motorcycles "illegal"..The regulations which
    address the modifications to the carburation systems and the exhaust systems
    affect untold numbers of our motorcycles.. Enforcement of those regualtions
    would park hundreds of thousands of them.. as in a few of the European

    These regulations are being imposed very covertly .. and without public
    knowledge.. for the "public safety".

    The speculation of furthur regualtions and legislation that imposes on the
    appearances of motorcycles should be a flag that is raised for extreme

    This is not just an issue of handlebars and tail lights.. This is an
    imposition of regulations that can just as easily be directed toward a
    specific group of motorcycle enthusiasts.. As I've pointed out in other
    posts.. Sport Bikes, for example.. are not popular in the eyes of public
    perception.. Due to performances of a few of the sport bike riders, much of
    the public sees them as traffic hazards..

    El Paso traffic officers are on the alert to pursue and prosecute any excuse
    to discourage sport bikers within the city limits.. Words of one motorcycle
    officer amongst a group gathered in Barnett's, in July.. Topic of the
    discussion was the death of one such sport biker .. The officer making the
    comment was the one who ran the biker into a bridge support.. A man died
    over some kind of minor traffic infraction..

    Bullshit.. this isn't an issue over handlebars nor tail lights and you know
    that Stephan..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. Holy shit.. what the hell do you think the original post was about,
    you twit ?

    Besides .. what difference does it make anyway.. If a public meeting was
    called in your front yard, you would be "somewhere" else.. LOL.... You
    aren't going to voice any opinion anywhere other than on some newsgroup..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  8. If the bike has its factory emissions systems as delivered, it will be
    in compliance.
    The modifications took the motorcycle out of compliance with the
    What countries? Many more Europeans ride motorcycles for day to day
    transportation than Americans do.
    EPA regulations? Not really, they are pretty public knowledge and
    trumpeted widely in all motor sports magazines and trade journals.

    speculation is cause for alarm.

    First they came for the Jews....
    The guy who ran chose the possibility of strawberry jam over a lousy
    traffic ticket. Bad choice. Darwin gets another one.
    What is it about then? An overarching plot against motorcycles ?
    another viewer, Sep 23, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Changing jets in carburators constitute modifications.. Most after market
    If you'd attended a few TMRA II meetings, you might be more aware of what is
    being discussed.. Since you haven't, there doesn't seem much point that you
    will contribute much of any import in this discussion..
    Hmmm... really.. you sure don't seem to be "up to speed"..
    Nah... the real cause of alarm is the contemptible assholes like you ..
    Ignorant as a box of rocks.. Your input is only argumentative, from an
    uninformed opinion that doesn't matter anyway.. Your voice will never be any
    more than your silly posts on a newsgroup.. You are the perfect definition
    of a Welfare Biker ..
    Surprising how silly you will get, isn't it..??
    This opinion is very revealing...
    Still don't get it, do you..?? Notice.. you are the only one who even asks
    a question like that ? Clueless..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are a stupid little fellow..
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  11. Yep. They modified the bike, possibly into non-compliance. You can
    have performance enhancements that meet emission standards too.

    What European countries were discussed ? Is it a secret ?

    But I do read the trades and keep up with impending and proposed regs.

    Not being argumentative, what "appearance" is proposed being outlawed
    and by whom? Inform us, please.

    What regulations are being directed against Sport Bikes? Who is doing
    That someone who runs from a police pursuit is stupid.

    What do you perceive the issue to be?
    another viewer, Sep 23, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn... I just knew, somehow.. that I couldn't count on your and ol' "Wrong
    John" to support my proposed agenda to ban sport bikes from streets and
    highways.. Sheesh .. well ok.. guess I'll just have to surprise you with it
    Bill Walker, Sep 23, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's pretty well par for Albert! When he's shown as ignorant as he
    truly is and let's his ass hang out for me to kick, he then forgets
    what he was babbling about in the first place and makes it into a "for
    the children" remark that has nothing to do with the original ignorant
    statement. In every case up to (and not excluding) now, he's managed
    to make himself look even more like the fool he is by his own

    Let's not forget, when the "for the children" runs out...then we turn
    our attention to "terrorists".
    Brian Walker, Sep 24, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Who's talking about "front brakes"?

    Oh, that's right. You like to change your topics when you find your
    "opinion" isn't supported either by facts or by other "opinions".
    Could all the people who believe handlebar height of 15" from the seat
    limitation is a "reasonable and well thought out safety issue" please
    stand and be heard?

    Thank you.

    Looks like you're in a very close minority.

    It must suck to be so very wrong as you are right now.
    Brian Walker, Sep 24, 2004
  15. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I see. Interesting how this has nothing to do with anything.

    I believe if it's true that you're a "teacher" of some sort, I'm
    beginning to see why people are talking about there being such a
    problem with the education system. I can't believe someone claiming to
    be an educator would subscribe to bikers pissin' in their yard and how
    that might relate to pulling motorcyclists off the highway and have
    them strip nude for searches would be justified...for a person
    thinking a motorcyclist has been pissin' in their yard. I can't
    believe someone claiming "educator" status would subscribe to the
    notion...well, of the many many lunatic ideas you portray here.
    Brian Walker, Sep 24, 2004
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    This Louie character is in about the same category as John Moran and Albert
    Nurick.. Actually .. e-mails are flying fast and furious.. right about
    now.. None of these fools have ever laid eyes on either of us. Moran gave
    the game away a couple of days ago..
    Bill Walker, Sep 24, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Quite possibly.. In all likelihood, you will still be in compliance with the
    regulations.. "this year".. Between EPA regulations and whatever else the
    DPS and DOT might conceive, there is a strong possibility that many of your
    friends and brothers will NOT be permitted to ride with you..

    I have been stopped by officers, over the years .. who obviously had a
    personal problem with bikers and motorcycles.. in general.. All of them had
    a "horror" story to share with anyone who'd listen.. You've encountered the
    same thing with others who you have come in contact with..

    These regulations and legislation are not accidental, nor at random.. Bikers
    in Texas have become a major political force to be reckoned with.. you've
    also seen some examples of that phenomenon.. Division within biker's groups
    create a breach that defies unity.. Elimination of as many bikers as can be
    managed dilutes that unity even furthur..

    Little as anyone may think about it, many of our elected representatives in
    Texas have been opposed by bikers.. Several of those come to mind.. They've
    appealed to TMRA II and ABATE for support.. Failing to get that support,
    they will resort to any measure to minimize the effect of the motorcyclists
    advocacy groups.. That's my take on this entire situation.. and I'll give
    odds that I am not far off the mark..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 24, 2004
  18. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    The 15 inches is measured grips to seat plane. That is a vertical
    measurement. So, Jailcall, the answer is no.

    Louie, Sep 24, 2004
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