Change of sig

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BRC, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. BRC

    darsy Guest

    shit - that'd be a bit of a puzzler.
    darsy, Apr 6, 2004
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  2. BRC

    Ben Guest

    I think if you slung it down the road, you'd find yourself paying the
    dealer for a new set of plastics.

    At least that's what the bit of paper I've always had to sign before a
    test ride has said.
    Ben, Apr 6, 2004
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  3. BRC

    Ace Guest

    Funny, I've _never_ been asked to sign anything for a test ride.\,
    even for stuff like hayabusas, blackbirds, blades, etc. etc.
    Ace, Apr 6, 2004
  4. BRC

    Ben Guest

    I've always needed to sign a "bend it, mend it" agreement.
    Ben, Apr 6, 2004
  5. BRC

    Ace Guest

    You obviously look like you're going to, then.

    What's the norm on this? As I said, I've _never_ signed owt, and I'm
    going way back to the early 80s and up until (in the UK) four years
    ago. Is this a recent change, d'you think?
    Ace, Apr 6, 2004
  6. BRC

    BRC Guest

    Never had to sign anything. Our guys have been quite trusting so far - but
    also so far I've managed not to drop anything down the that
    asking for trouble!
    BRC, Apr 6, 2004
  7. BRC

    BRC Guest

    I've never signed anything up here, the dealers here just give me the keys -
    but I guess we know each other quite well here too, Harrogate's not really a
    big place.

    But when we took a couple of bikes out when we lived in the Midlands, we had
    to hand over driving licences while we took the bikes out and we signed
    summat about being on their insurance I think, for the ride out.
    BRC, Apr 6, 2004
  8. BRC

    BRC Guest

    Thats right, I'll at least get some time to play on it before Paul gets it.
    BRC, Apr 6, 2004
  9. BRC

    Christofire Guest

    Pip posted:

    Oh, no - shit - that was my triangle of the week entry.
    Christofire, Apr 6, 2004
  10. BRC

    dwb Guest

    So you've gone from implying you were a riding god sliding it round corners
    to now saying it was unexpected?
    Which lead on from locking the rear wheel with the back brake in the first
    place, thus leading to the conclusion the brakes were good.
    Could I ask that you not for care me? Thanks.

    Equally I think you're either a) tolerant and thick skinned or b) as
    oblivious as a blind person standing in a foggy field in the middle of the
    night. [1]

    [1] high contrast version not withstanding.
    dwb, Apr 6, 2004
  11. BRC

    Kiran Guest


    And in next week's lesson folks, the Harrogate IAM will be teaching us how
    to back it in into corners.
    Kiran, Apr 6, 2004
  12. BRC

    ogden Guest


    ogden, Apr 7, 2004
  13. BRC

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Half of the MotoGP boys don't seem to be able to back it in, so we
    should get them along - I'm sure they'd be glad of a few tips.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 7, 2004
  14. BRC

    deadmail Guest

    What, the possible reasons to give up biking?
    deadmail, Apr 9, 2004
  15. BRC

    Wik Guest

    Heh, "I hear ya, brother!"

    I'll always "push" a demo or loaner bike, given the opportunity, buty
    personally, my skills and talent don't extend to controlled, "on-demand"
    wheelies or controlled power-slides. Speshly when I've signed a bit of
    paper which sez I'm liable for the first however-many gazillion pounds
    worth of damage, etc...

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Apr 11, 2004
  16. BRC

    Verdigris Guest

    I actually wouldn't push a demo bike. Not any harder than I would my own
    bike, anyway. I would try to ride it in the same way as I would if I were
    to buy it: what's the point of doing anything else if you're seriously
    interested in the bike, and not just a time waster?
    Verdigris, Apr 11, 2004
  17. BRC

    Wik Guest

    Alrighty, missus so-called-not-very-tall-person, how is it that elsewhere
    you describe the new bike as being taller than the old, hmm, hmm?

    I only ask coz I understood they (Yamaha) had raised the bars and lowered
    the pegs but that the seat was about the same...?

    Suze (once more) slung her leg over a new R1 recently and it was
    definitely more compatible than the 2003/4 R6 that was tried at the same

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2003 R1150GSA -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Apr 17, 2004
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