Chain vs. Belt Drive

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Bob Milutinovic, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Bob Milutinovic

    corks Guest

    fair bit of different to stresses placed on a timing belt to tthat placed on
    a drive belt ????
    corks, Aug 26, 2005
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  2. Bob Milutinovic

    Toosmoky Guest

    Engine revs are irrelevant when you're talking about rear wheel revs. I
    don't remember what the gearing was now, but I changed to a smaller rear
    (Fatboy) pulley when I changed to the second belt. Acceleration wasn't
    affected. 130ks was usual touring speed.

    Look up the gearing for a 1986 Softail (First belt) and a 1990 Softail
    (Second belt and rear pulley)
    Engine revs have nothing to do with the speed of the rear belt. That's
    down to the gearing. I toured around the country a few times, drag raced
    and commuted on that bike. It was my only transport for most of the
    eight years I had it.
    What width? Standard width. I don't know of anyone making rear belt
    setups wider than stock.

    I might also mention that the first belt had a large stone imbedded in
    it for more than half it's life. That's what killed it eventually. It
    started to delaminate at the edge near the stone and teeth started
    peeling back. Even then it still lasted the three weeks it took to get
    the new bits, losing 3 teeth by the time it was removed...
    Toosmoky, Aug 26, 2005
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  3. Bob Milutinovic

    Toosmoky Guest

    Here 'tis.

    1986 Softail - Trans pulley 32 - Rear Pulley 70 - Final drive ratio 3.37
    Number of teeth on belt - 132

    1990 Softail - Trans pulley 32 - Rear Pulley 61 - Final drive ratio 2.94
    Number of teeth on belt - 128
    Toosmoky, Aug 26, 2005
  4. Bob Milutinovic

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I'm surprised it's that cheap actually!
    If Doug's 130,000km is typical then that the equivalent of about 3
    chain-and-sprockets so it'd fairly neatly pay for itself. (Not counting the
    lube costs)
    Knobdoodle, Aug 26, 2005
  5. Ermmm... I've yet to see a street cruiser (especially of the 800cc ilk)
    doing that with a chain either, so I don't think I'd be missing out on much.

    Many thanks to all who replied; I think you've managed to set my mind
    pretty straight on the subject. Just a matter of waiting a couple of pay
    days to scrap together the funds. In hindsight I should be glad I didn't
    have enough $$$ on the credit card to order that Kettenmax chain maintenance

    Now then comes the next question... How many cases of beer (and of which
    variety) would I have to procure in order to assemble a motley mass of
    newsgroup participants at my place to help me install the kit?

    - Bob.
    Bob Milutinovic, Aug 26, 2005
  6. Bob Milutinovic

    Smiley Guest

    says who. a few years ago when I live in Sydney. as I was leaving Kingsx
    once an FXR went past me.
    cops watched him go past. so the cops decided to try to get him. a few of
    his mates (he was a member
    of a club) delayed the cops as best as they could. as I watched him go he
    was trying to keep the front
    wheel on the ground. he was laying as far forward as he could and the front
    wheel came up in every
    gear including top (5th).

    I think the main reasion that chains are used is width my belt is 32 or 38
    mm wide. the later models
    are 25 mm wide. a chain is what 12 mm wide. that would make a big differance
    on how they design
    where it comes out of the engine and swingarms. chains help keep the bike a
    little bit thiner,
    Aussie Discs
    Smiley, Aug 26, 2005
  7. Bob Milutinovic

    Toosmoky Guest

    A mate of mine who's a far better rider than me used to do mono his '80
    Sturgis impressively well though it was hard on belts.

    He also used to mono his GS1000G shaftie years before that. Wait, that
    can't be right...
    Toosmoky, Aug 26, 2005
  8. Bob Milutinovic

    G-S Guest

    My V-Max used to mono (well... I thought it used to... then I learnt
    better and realised shaft drive bikes can't mono so I've put it down to
    beer and fatigue induced halucinations :)

    G-S, Aug 27, 2005
  9. Bob Milutinovic

    John Guest

    Not surprised at that.. you drink shit beer!


    Real beer mate?
    John, Aug 27, 2005
  10. Bob Milutinovic

    G-S Guest

    Nah... you can keep your 'Carlton... made from real beer' I'll have a
    Toohey's Old ;-)

    G-S, Aug 27, 2005
  11. Bob Milutinovic

    John Littler Guest

    He's a frickin' designer, he has NO engineering qualifications. Haven't
    read the article but if he wrote anything about engineering he's making
    it up :)

    John Littler, Aug 28, 2005
  12. Pretty much a moot point these days, isn't it? Considering CUB owns
    Tooheys (and has modified the recipe to their tastes)?

    Bring on the Guinness, I say. But the real stuff from Ireland, not the
    bottled immitation from Carlton.

    Or if you can't handle a real stout, perhaps go for our locally produced
    James Squire?

    - Bob.
    Bob Milutinovic, Aug 28, 2005
  13. Bob Milutinovic

    IK Guest

    Worse, John. He's a freelance Pom bike journo (Kevin Ash, hence "Kash")
    who started out writing for Fast Bikes under Colin Schiller...
    IK, Aug 28, 2005
  14. Bob Milutinovic

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    On my bike, Harleys, and I suspect, most bikes, the gearbox output shaft is
    turning _faster_ than the engine in top gear.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 29, 2005
  15. Bob Milutinovic

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Got one!

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 29, 2005
  16. Bob Milutinovic

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Not a real mono. Happened to me once on my, would you believe, Guzzi 850T3.
    Taking off uphill from a set of lights with Helen on the back in a spirited
    fashion and the front wheel came off the ground. I thought I had done my
    first mono, but later found there was a gravity deficiency on that
    intersection with an anti-coriolos effect. Some months later we went to a
    pub on that corner and, crossing the road on foot, I felt quite

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 29, 2005
  17. Bob Milutinovic

    Toosmoky Guest

    Did you try walking backwards?...
    Toosmoky, Aug 29, 2005
  18. Bob Milutinovic

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I had enough difficulty walking forwards.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 30, 2005
  19. Bob Milutinovic

    Knobdoodle Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Knobdoodle, Aug 30, 2005
  20. ....People just laughed and said,"It's a publicity stunt"
    I'm walking backwards for Chreeeestmasssss...

    Postgoon Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Sep 1, 2005
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