Chain Oil

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. So true! The last lot I bought in England was £6 for 5 litres (not a
    gallon). The previous times I've always bought it in Auchan in France at
    £3.50 for 5 litres.
    In England the system only enthusiastically implements those laws which
    are arbitrarily introduced retrospectively.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 3, 2003
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  2. Sounds like a depressed auvache.
    William Grainger, Dec 3, 2003
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  3. David Thomas

    Buzby Guest

    According to an old drinking friend who worked for Commer Oils, Scott
    Whatever it is it's as sticky as hell. JDAMHIK.

    Buzby, Dec 3, 2003
  4. David Thomas

    Alan.T.Gower Guest


    "Kneesliders Sponsored by Cane"
    GSX-R1000 , Triumph Thunderbird, ZXR750L2 Racer(gone), GS500,
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply (our own endurance team)
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Alan.T.Gower, Dec 3, 2003
  5. David Thomas

    MD Guest

    IME time for rear tyre to wear out < time for chain to go slack
    MD, Dec 3, 2003
  6. Mick Whittingham wrote

    Colour me not in the slightest surprised.
    steve auvache, Dec 3, 2003
  7. David Thomas

    Champ Guest

    Course he is. Mick writes all the "Brussels bans bendy bananas"
    headlines for the Sun and the Mail
    Champ, Dec 3, 2003
  8. David Thomas

    Champ Guest

    What if you don't smoke?
    Champ, Dec 3, 2003
  9. David Thomas

    Pip Guest

    Start. Or get Rexxx round ...
    Pip, Dec 3, 2003
  10. No, that is just as it comes.
    Ask any party campaigner who comes to your door what that think about
    the EC's lengthy documentation on banana imports to Europe. Egg them on
    with the length, curvature, colour ( feed lines are us) regulations and
    see what they say.
    I've only had one who actually knew what the reason for the legislation
    was for.

    Who on ukrm knows what the EUs tight specification on bananas was all

    Take your time I'm off out to do a bit of target shooting (fills jacket
    pocket with soft nose 38 specials).
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 3, 2003
  11. David Thomas

    platypus Guest

    I don't have this problem: I have a gallon of chainsaw oil in the shed, a
    present from Gyp.
    platypus, Dec 3, 2003
  12. David Thomas

    platypus Guest

    It was my intention that it should.
    platypus, Dec 3, 2003
  13. David Thomas

    Eddie Guest

    Doesn't it depend on the circumstances? If you grammatically finish the
    sentence, you use an ellipsis (three full stops) plus a full stop, but
    if you don't...
    Eddie, Dec 4, 2003
  14. David Thomas

    Ace Guest

    But shirley you'd only be using an allipsis if you didn't
    grammatically finish the sentence?
    Ace, Dec 4, 2003
  15. David Thomas

    Eddie Guest

    Eddie, Dec 4, 2003
  16. David Thomas

    HooDooWitch Guest

    Ooh, ooh, I know, I know, pick me! pick me! ...
    HooDooWitch, Dec 4, 2003
  17. Go on then, put your hand down and tell
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 4, 2003
  18. David Thomas

    HooDooWitch Guest

    No-one. ;)

    [Bows down to Scott Adams]
    HooDooWitch, Dec 4, 2003
  19. Now sit quietly and I'll tell you:

    It's all part of some very clever scheming by Britain and France to help
    out their Caribbean "colonial" islands. The cessation of preferential
    trading with the Caribbean in the early 90 with the fuller
    implementation of the EU meant total economic disaster to the banana
    islands. There was a buffer over a few years to allow extra tonnage from
    the island but this pissed off the US. The US had huge investments in
    south America and by using irresponsible deforestation, over use of
    pesticide, fertilisers, genetic modifiers and slave labour rate produced
    *lots* of cheap tasteless bananas. This also gave then a unique shape
    size and colour due to the nature of their production. One of the
    cleaver ideas come up by L. Britain and N Kinoch and their French
    counterparts was to only call a banana a banana if it fitted a
    specification. They buried this in with classifications for red and
    green cooking bananas ( can't remember what they are called ) so that to
    be allowed in under the banana imports they must meet the banana spec.
    This meant without putting a barrier on US owned banana producers, the
    Caribbean could still have preference over the US. A lot of noise was
    made through the WTO and by the bent WTO US funded head. But although
    there was a shit load of posturing by the US they were not abiding by
    the WTO complain rules either. So not getting anywhere the US of their
    own back put 100% import tax on a dozen or so EU sourced import that
    would had devastating effects on small industries but would not harm the
    US. The EU backed down and allowed a larger tonnage of US owned banana
    imports but the EU still kept parts of the banana specs (as the US
    didn't understand them) to give the Caribbean a chance and poked the US
    in the eye with 'No female hormone injected beef imports'.

    So if some one puts the case to you, as an argument against the EU, that
    it has gone mad with its banana specifications, it means they don't know
    what the f*ck they are talking about.
    Me I don't buy Chiquita, del Monte or Dole bananas

    This is all from memory from working with friends from the Caribbean
    before anyone says I write stuff that can easily be contradicted.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 4, 2003
  20. David Thomas

    HooDooWitch Guest

    ITYM "STFU and read this:" ;)

    <fascinating story about bananas that I already knew, snipped>

    .... the same reason I don't buy Harleys. ;)
    HooDooWitch, Dec 4, 2003
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