Censorship in uk.rec.cycling.moderated

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by margaretsmith, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. A psycholist is trying to make uk.rec.cycling moderated so that nobody will
    have a right of reply to anti-motorist abuse that is rife on that group. His
    hand picked moderators have already said that they will censor "contentious"
    opinions, and have said that you must be a "UK cyclist" to post.

    Crossposting is being deliberately allowed so that Guy Chapman and his mates
    can crosspost to motorist groups while censoring the replies. His moderators
    frequently use the term "cager" to attack motorists - yet they claim they will
    censor personal abuse. One of them forges the contents of other people's posts.
    He is Alan Braggins.

    Nobody will be allowed to vote on whether or not Chapman or anybody else can be
    a moderator - undemocratic. Nobody will be allowed to know if or why a post has
    been censored or who is blocked from posting. The process is not fair,
    balanced or transparent. Why would that be?

    Chapman posted as 'Lou Knee' and still will not deny it. Chapman posted as
    'Sniper' and others to boost support for his new group. He purports to be a
    Christian, yet is a liar. He is despicable.

    I trust you will join the discussion on uk.net.news.config to provide some
    balance against Chapman's lies, and vote appropriately against or for the
    moderation when the CFV is posted.

    margaretsmith, Jul 7, 2009
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  2. margaretsmith

    Ian Jackson Guest

    I'm the proponent for uk.rec.cycling.moderated. Once again I have to
    say that I'm sorry that our troll problem has spilled over into your
    newsgroups. I'm afraid that this kind of trawling for `no' votes is
    likely to continue for the few weeks of the voting period.

    I'll ask the other members of the 11-strong proposed moderation panel
    to refrain from posting here any about this any more. That way you'll
    only have to put up with me and I don't plan to post very often.
    I want to say very clearly: this will definitely not happen.
    We want to create a group free of interminable motorist-vs-cyclist
    trollfests. We will not permit any crossposting between urcm and
    motorist and motorcyclist groups.

    For those who are actually interested (for example, those of you who
    also take to a pushbike once in a while) the details of the proposal
    (and my summary of the 1500-article flamewar^W discussion) will be in
    the CFV. The discussion itself is indeed in uk.net.news.config.

    Thanks for you attention and sorry for the interruption.
    Ian Jackson, Jul 8, 2009
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  3. margaretsmith

    Hog Guest

    Oh I propose that UKRMers just keep running the dozy careless untaxed
    fuckers off the road. There are a LOT more of us and before long there
    will be none of these other NG types left to annoy us.
    Hog, Jul 8, 2009
  4. margaretsmith

    Eiron Guest

    You should think of cyclists more in pity than in anger.
    Just think 'There but for the grace of God go I,' as any one of us could
    accidentally get caught doing 180 down the bypass and suddenly become a cyclist.
    Eiron, Jul 8, 2009
  5. margaretsmith

    Ian Jackson Guest

    I'm the proponent for uk.rec.cycling.moderated. Once again I have to
    say that I'm sorry that our troll problem has spilled over into your
    newsgroups. I'm afraid that this kind of trawling for `no' votes is
    likely to continue for the few weeks of the voting period.

    I'll ask the other members of the 11-strong proposed moderation panel
    to refrain from posting here any about this any more. That way you'll
    only have to put up with me and I don't plan to post very often.
    I want to say very clearly: this will definitely not happen.
    We want to create a group free of interminable motorist-vs-cyclist
    trollfests. We will not permit any crossposting between urcm and
    motorist and motorcyclist groups.

    For those who are actually interested (for example, those of you who
    also take to a pushbike once in a while) the details of the proposal
    (and my summary of the 1500-article flamewar^W discussion) will be in
    the CFV. The discussion itself is indeed in uk.net.news.config.

    Thanks for you attention and sorry for the interruption.
    Ian Jackson, Jul 8, 2009
  6. margaretsmith

    Hog Guest

    Well I have a bicycle too, living in York, but hypocrisy is de facto in
    UKRM shirly.
    Hog, Jul 8, 2009
  7. margaretsmith

    Steve Firth Guest

    Steve Firth, Jul 8, 2009
  8. margaretsmith

    Eiron Guest

    .... the car they did drive before getting banned and having to buy a pushbike.
    Is there a source for your fascinating demographic statistics?
    I suppose they tend to be younger, fitter and better endowed than non-cyclists too.
    Eiron, Jul 8, 2009
  9. margaretsmith

    Aard Guest

    Shame there's not a demographic category for 'smug, holier-than-thou,
    pious, self-important twat' too - that's one area where I *would*
    expect cyclists to figure highly...
    Aard, Jul 8, 2009
  10. margaretsmith

    Steve Firth Guest

    "Nice Try" is Hansen newspeak for "Oh **** you got me bang to rights."
    Steve Firth, Jul 8, 2009
  11. margaretsmith

    Steve Firth Guest

    With "Dynamo Dave" Hansen at the top of the list.
    Steve Firth, Jul 8, 2009
  12. margaretsmith

    YTC#1 Guest

    Its an awkward one, I use powered and non powered bikes.

    But any two wheeled fucker on the pavement needs a twatting.
    YTC#1, Jul 8, 2009
  13. margaretsmith

    YTC#1 Guest

    **** god, what has religion got to do with it ?
    He'd need a faster bike
    YTC#1, Jul 8, 2009
  14. margaretsmith

    Lozzo Guest

    There's a mountain bike in my shed, it serves as an anti-theft anchor
    for my barbecue
    Lozzo, Jul 8, 2009
  15. margaretsmith

    Martin Nyman Guest

    I laughed and laughed with amusement that so many people assumed that it
    genuinely was from you.

    Clearly your name has already been blackened through your nobody's
    effort but your own on these groups.

    Martin Nyman, Jul 9, 2009
  16. margaretsmith

    Huge Guest

    No. "Dynamo" Hansen is a well known troll.
    Huge, Jul 9, 2009
  17. margaretsmith

    BrianW Guest

    Where does the "Dynamo" moniker come from?
    BrianW, Jul 9, 2009
  18. ?Hasn't this hit the BI fan yet?
    Rex M F Smith, Jul 9, 2009
  19. margaretsmith

    Martin Nyman Guest

    So, someone making comments that you agree with is despicable.
    Martin Nyman, Jul 9, 2009
  20. margaretsmith

    Martin Nyman Guest

    Oh, you have - I'm just using another name, despicable isn't it!
    Martin Nyman, Jul 10, 2009
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