CBS' motogp announcer is THE WORST!

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by wamanning, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. wamanning

    wamanning Guest

    how can a man singlehanded turn a motogp event into something that you
    can sleep through?!

    that dude sucks turds. absolutely the worst ever. terrible.

    CBS better bring over a couple of those brit announcers for laguna,
    cuz that dude just kills the motogp buzz.
    wamanning, Jul 16, 2007
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  2. wamanning

    Mark N Guest

    Isn't it amazing how boring he makes it sound? I loved it when the
    camera shifts to Rossi's downed bike, maybe the defining point in the
    whole season - "And there's Rossi... in the gravel... zzzzzz...".

    Brit announcers? Watch what you ask for. Me, I'd take Bob Varsha over
    anyone else.
    Mark N, Jul 16, 2007
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  3. wamanning

    just bob Guest

    Wow, I just watched the first 15 minutes of the CBS version. That guy should
    never be allowed on TV again.
    just bob, Jul 17, 2007
  4. wamanning

    just bob Guest

    I don't care if they are Brits as long as they are passionate about the
    sport and inspired by what they are watching.
    just bob, Jul 17, 2007
  5. wamanning

    Dave Guest

    There's no doubt that we lose a lot of the enthusiasm with him as the
    announcer, but to be fair the whole production value is to blame just
    as much. Each of the CBS races sounds like the announcers are in a
    little room somewhere with bad acoustics and no track visibility. We
    can barely even hear the bikes roaring by, and I think you lose a lot
    of effect that way.

    At first I was even upset that they didn't show the official post-race
    interviews, but I have to admit the quick little one-on-ones with
    Schwantz are often more enlightening. I suspect that's because Kevin
    is a known commodity and an insider who knows most of them personally,
    so they're willing to open up and let rip a little.
    Dave, Jul 18, 2007
  6. wamanning

    gomez Guest

    The main Brit is actually an Ozzie and a car-based Ozzie to boot who
    plays the eager pupil to the the "colour" man who is an ex bike-racer.
    gomez, Jul 18, 2007
  7. wamanning

    wamanning Guest

    schwantz does bring a cool dimension, an inner-circle flavour to the

    but medders...

    wamanning, Jul 19, 2007
  8. wamanning

    sturd Guest

    T3 noticed:

    [re: Greg White]
    "How do you feel?"

    Go fast. Take chances.
    Mike S.
    sturd, Jul 23, 2007
  9. wamanning

    Andrew Guest

    He's an ex privateer superbike racer. Who better?
    I've met him on several occasions and he's not nearly the doofus when he
    gets to speak without prewritten dialogue.
    He's still pretty quick too.

    00 Daytona
    00 Speed Triple
    71 Kawi H1
    05 Infant
    Andrew, Jul 23, 2007
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