....currently shod with, (*shudder*), Macadams, the rear on my bike is starting to look like it's squaring off (1), so I'm going to have to go tyre shopping soon, so the age old question is... what tyres in the experience of others, really suit these? I want the nigh on impossible - decent mileage due to the bike being used more and more for work (2), with decent grip. I had BT010/020s on the VFR, and found them to be quite good, at least once they had some heat in them, so should I look to a set of these, or is something else considered better for CBRs of this vintage? TIA (1) Been doing a lot of motorway work, you see... at least that's my excuse. (2) Deliveries to and from Central London, specifically - cost more to run the bike than the car, but saves me *that* much time.