CBR thou

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Whinging Courier, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. It's actually quite nimble once you get the hang of it :)

    Practice has been on some horrid, squared off Mez4s with an inch of
    shine on 'em so when I get some new rubber next week my cornering will
    be second to none.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 17, 2004
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  2. Whinging Courier

    dwb Guest

    Will that be because the gear lever will get knocked as the bike slides down
    the road?
    dwb, Apr 17, 2004
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  3. In uk.rec.motorcycles, dwb said:
    Will what be because the gear lever will get knocked as the bike slides
    down the road?
    Whinging Courier, Apr 17, 2004
  4. Whinging Courier

    dwb Guest

    *sigh* It was a pun.

    Crash your bike in second gear, hit the gear level - it goes to neutral, or
    in other words, none.
    dwb, Apr 17, 2004
  5. In uk.rec.motorcycles, dwb said:
    Sorry, even the second time round it didn't make any sense.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 17, 2004
  6. Whinging Courier

    dwb Guest

    dwb, Apr 17, 2004
  7. In uk.rec.motorcycles, dwb said:
    Not really. If I fitted some crash bungs or magic mushrooms, it may even
    do a little spinnete as it fucks off down the road.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 17, 2004
  8. Whinging Courier

    MattG Guest

    Whinging Courier says...
    It does, it's still shit, though.
    MattG, Apr 17, 2004
  9. Whinging Courier

    ogden Guest

    "Second to none". From second gear to out of gear. By way of knocking
    the gear lever from second to neutral.

    As Matt said, shit.
    ogden, Apr 18, 2004
  10. Whinging Courier

    Molly Guest

    Molly, Apr 18, 2004
  11. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Molly said:
    You got your gixxer fixed yet?
    Whinging Courier, Apr 18, 2004
  12. Whinging Courier

    mups Guest

    They are, aren't they. A much underrated bike IMO, all that plastic makes
    them appear much more of a bloaty bus than they really are.
    mups, Apr 18, 2004
  13. In uk.rec.motorcycles, mups said:
    I've done about 600 miles on it since I got my licence back and about
    half of those have been on the motorway.

    I was pleasantly surprised how agile it was through the London smoke and
    gave me confidence to try a few more "daring" maneuvers. If it wasn't
    for the fact that it chugs quite a bit at slow speed and needs a lot of
    clutch slip, it'd be almost perfect.

    Like I say, it's those ancient looking chicken strips that knocked my
    confidence a bit because even after just a few roundabouts, she was
    begging to be keeled over :)

    Can I e-mail you with a pic? I feel like I've just given birth ;-)
    Whinging Courier, Apr 18, 2004
  14. Whinging Courier

    mups Guest

    Feel good to have your license back then, no hard shoulder overtakes I hope
    I haven't noticed mine 'chug'. It pulls fine from 2 grand upwards but I
    normally keep it in the 4-7K range when mooching about and 8K+ when on a
    You feel like you've given birth to a CBR thou, **** that must have hurt.
    mups, Apr 18, 2004
  15. In uk.rec.motorcycles, mups said:
    No, but I did get it up to 140 on the slip road at J8 on the M11, and
    promptly piled on the anchors before I joined the main carriageway ;^)
    Yeah, I think I need to do a bit of adapting. My Bandit used to happily
    go along at near idle speeds in the traffic but the CBR is a bit less
    willing to do that.
    Cover your eyes. It's coming in a minute (fnarrr)
    Well, never having had a real baby, it's the closest thing I've got; and
    knowing people that have got babies, I'm quite happy with the one I've
    got :)
    Whinging Courier, Apr 18, 2004
  16. Whinging Courier

    Molly Guest

    Nope, I'm still waiting to hear from Suzuki.
    Molly, Apr 19, 2004
  17. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Molly said:
    Furry muff. I was going to suggest a mutual CIHAGM, but I'll have a go
    on yours in lieu ;-)

    Just DFC. I know you do stunts and stuff but <bites nails> it's so shiny
    and unmolested.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 19, 2004
  18. Whinging Courier

    Molly Guest

    I'll be gentle with it....honest.
    Molly, Apr 20, 2004
  19. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Molly said:
    I can't imagine why that doesn't make me feel any better...

    I read somewhere that you're near Huntingdon. Is that right?

    I'll be up in Saffron Walden at the weekend if you want to meet up and
    do something.
    Whinging Courier, Apr 20, 2004
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