The camchain adjuster on these little lumps (1972 model) is on the left-hand crankcase half. what looks exactly like a screw and locknut assembly - 14mm locknut, and threaded adjuster poking through it wth a slot for a screwdriver blade. Irritatingly, I've only got a Haynes BOL of the CB100N. Same engine, but that has a 10mm headed bolt poking through the locknut. BOL says to set engine to fast idle, undo locknut, retighten, tensioner does the rest. Presence of screwdriver slot suggests earlier model is slightly different. I tried loosening off the locknut, wth engine set to TDC, so obviously not running, and slackened off the slotted adjuster. The usual procedure with these things, from clutch to camchain adjustment, is to tighten carefully until you feel resistance, back off a quarter of a turn or so, and do up locknut. But twiddling it one way or t'other felt exactly the same, so I reset it to its original position and re-tightened the locknut. Has anyone got a manual giving the definitive procedure for an old CB125 single? Or does anyone know for sure? The engine sounds sweet - I only decided to check the camchain as I was doing the tappets - but it would be nice to know for future reference, as it were.