Catcha twenty two...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Knobdoodle, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Friggin' personalised plates!
    I got my roadworthy, received the signed transfer papers mailed back from
    the seller, withdrew $150 and fronted up to Qld Transport.
    "I want to transfer the rego"
    "Hmmm.. it's got a personal-plate; you'll have to take it off"
    "No worries; I don't want it"
    "We can't transfer the rego without a numberplate"
    "OK; just issue me a new plate then. I'm happy to pay the $19.80"
    "I can't issue you a plate; the bike's not in your name"
    "OK transfer the bike into my name; here's the completed signed forms..."
    "We can't transfer the rego without a numberplate"
    Too late I see the trap.. "Can't we just transfer it with the current
    plate and then, once it's in my name, issue the new plate?"
    "Can't. The current plate doesn't belong to you....". "You'll have to
    take the personalised plate off and mail it back to the seller. He'll have
    to take it to his local Transport office and have a standard plate issued,
    and then mail it back to you. Then you can bring it in and transfer it..."
    "He lives 250km away and that's probably going to take 2 weeks; can I ride
    the bike during this time?"
    "No; it won't have a numberplate"
    "It's registered and all legal but I can't ride it.... Can I have some
    sort of temporary plate?"

    "OK, OK... can I just cancel the rego and start from scratch?"
    "No".... "The rego's not in your name so you can't cancel it."

    "What if i just ride it around until the current rego lapses and then bring
    it in.... Would I be able to register it in my name then?"
    "Yes.. No problem"

    "Look; could you please write 'sighted 16/7/04' and your initials on this
    form to prove that at least I tried?"
    And to her credit; she did!
    Knobdoodle, Jul 16, 2004
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  2. Knobdoodle

    smack Guest

    hehe, sounds like the fun I've been having with Telstra Cuntrywide

    ring ring, just calling to see if you are on the best plan available

    me. Yep, I'm in ISDN, so there are no options, only 1 plan available

    them. Yes, you are right, one plan... can we help you with anything else?

    click br brr brrr brrrr
    smack, Jul 16, 2004
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  3. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I've mentioned before the problem I had with Bigpond cable.
    They billed me $120 that I disputed and each time I rang up (and waited
    90mins in the queue) they'd say "OK I've fixed that up", and the next bill
    would come with it still owing....

    I gave up with the phone queues and tried sending them an email from their
    website (because you couldn't find out their email address). I received a
    response from a third-party auditing firm asking me if my problem was
    handled satisfactorily but I never got an actual response from Bigpond.

    So I adopted the Mountain to Mohammed theory and just purposly underpaid
    all my subsequent bills by excactly the disputed amount.
    After 18 months I finally received a threatening letter from their
    debt-recovery person but I had a NAME... a real live person I could talk
    I immediately rang her up, explained the situation and got an assurance
    that the debt would be cleared and everything would be OK so I went home
    very pleased with myself....... to find that my userid had been

    (and yes; it was Friday arvo and I couldn't get it reconnected until the
    Knobdoodle, Jul 16, 2004
  4. Knobdoodle

    Marty H Guest

    that harlious cos you work for them.......
    it happen to me a couple of weeks ago with Primus......and I work for

    sacking by get so pissed off with them, you leave

    Marty H, Jul 16, 2004
  5. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Yep... and I couldn't even get through to them internally either!
    It certainly cuts down your faults statistics if you just make yourself
    completely uncontactable ......
    Knobdoodle, Jul 16, 2004
  6. Knobdoodle

    smack Guest

    when they call, put them throught the same hoops

    press 1 for Steve
    press 2 for Julie

    or just stop paying the bastards. Eventually you get to talk to a human.

    I melb a few years ago, when we were moving south we used the toll road with 2 cars. Wrote down the number to call to pay by credit
    card. I rang them from my mobile and got that goddamm voice recognition system.

    It was going to cost me more in call costs than the fine for not paying, as I had 2 cars to process. So 30 seconds into the call I
    answered every question with **** YOU

    I promptly got transferred to a human and paid the toll in less than a minute
    smack, Jul 16, 2004
  7. Knobdoodle

    Dave Mojo67 Guest

    Between our recent dealings with Optus, Telstra, Swann and Queensland
    Transport, you'd think we must have dealt with every company drone there is!

    But alas, I'm sure that we'll dig up some more. There must be a special
    school somewhere that produces them.

    Dave (Mojo67)
    FZR600 >> ZX6R >> ??? Brisbane
    I used to never be able to finish anything but now I
    Dave Mojo67, Jul 16, 2004
  8. Knobdoodle

    Nev.. Guest

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jul 16, 2004
  9. Knobdoodle

    Doug Cox Guest

    That's the same reason I gave them the arse. Three months in a row, my
    account was cancelled, my website deleted from their server, I phoned,
    disputed, got the "OK I've fixed that up", and the next month, the
    account was cancelled, my website deleted, etc....

    I asked them why they didn't e-mail me prior to cancelling and the
    answer was; "We sent you a letter..." Australia's biggest electronic
    communications company sends people letters...WTF?
    Do what I do. Just keep saying "Operator" and you'll be transferred
    somewhere (last time I was transferred to the promotions department)
    and they'll transfer you to the department you want. No queues.

    Doug Cox.
    Work to ride, Ride to work...
    Doug Cox, Jul 16, 2004
  10. Knobdoodle

    Doug Cox Guest

    Some systems terminate the call if you swear at the computer...

    Doug Cox.
    Work to ride, Ride to work...
    Doug Cox, Jul 16, 2004
  11. Knobdoodle

    Doug Cox Guest

    Make something idiot-proof and nature responds with a higher class of

    Doug Cox.
    Work to ride, Ride to work...
    Doug Cox, Jul 16, 2004
  12. Knobdoodle

    sharkey Guest

    That 'KNOBO' plate must really be annoying you ... I meant,
    it's spelt wrong (and it's tautological on an R GS!)

    sharkey, Jul 16, 2004
  13. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Ha ha; at least I can feel some consolation with Bigpond now!
    Knobdoodle, Jul 17, 2004
  14. Knobdoodle

    Biggus Guest

    Computers are easliy offended.
    Biggus, Jul 17, 2004
  15. Potatopotatopotato

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Jul 17, 2004
  16. Knobdoodle

    Marty H Guest

    and youre our leader :)

    Marty H, Jul 17, 2004
  17. Knobdoodle

    TB Guest

    with 2 cars. Wrote down the number to call to pay by credit
    as I had 2 cars to process. So 30 seconds into the call I

    Same thing happened to me when I thought I called up city link for the bike.
    After about 15 mins of me saying my bike's 2 letter 3 number licence thing
    and getting back a 3 letter 3 number response it transferred me to a human
    who said that bikes don't have to pay...

    TB, Jul 17, 2004
  18. Knobdoodle

    Aido Guest

    I had simular problem when I first got cable connected in early 2000, I
    got a bill for $300+ in about October, When I rang about it I was told that
    I hadn't payed for the connection or Mthly bills since connection, I told
    them that If they sent me a bill I would pay it, as I hadn't seen a bill
    since I had the cable connected. They allowed me to pay it off as I went.
    And I work for them too!!
    Aido, Jul 17, 2004
  19. Knobdoodle

    Aido Guest

    I find it annoying & funny at the same time when you ring Tech Support &
    get some git who treats you like some braindead numbscull (The annoying
    bit), Then I start talking teck speak to them & they lose the plot because
    you've just upset there way of thinking. lol. (The funny bit).
    Aido, Jul 17, 2004
  20. Knobdoodle

    Nev.. Guest

    The computer was doing ok till it asked you to spell your name...

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Jul 17, 2004
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