Casey on the GP Ducati in 07'

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by D16GP5, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. D16GP5

    D16GP5 Guest

    The mail is its a done deal.Casey is ready for a factory-backed teamd
    Ducati have had enough of use_by Spainard's [hooray she cried]

    Ducati like Aussie's, Aussie's give 100%, and rare for them to whinge
    and carry on.No doubt Bayliss flying the green_n_gold helped no end

    Lets hope so, he is very fast and a devil in the wet [must be a Aussie
    thing?] and with factory backing ready to kick serious arse in 07'

    Roll on 07'

    [They are *still* trying to get Valentino for 08']
    D16GP5, Oct 16, 2006
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  2. Are the pills still working Hatz?
    Kevin Gleeson, Oct 16, 2006
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  3. D16GP5

    D16GP5 Guest

    Yeah waiting and waiting for the PT141 pills to hit the market....every
    *normal* male is!!
    D16GP5, Oct 16, 2006
  4. Goodo, well you just sit in the corner and wait for the nice man in
    the white jacket to bring them to you then.
    Kevin Gleeson, Oct 16, 2006
  5. You have Erectile Dysfunction problems? Looking for a way to get it up?

    From the web-site:
    PT-141, as the drug is provisionally named, works by stimulating the
    parts of the brain responsible for sexual excitement. Medicines such as
    Viagra, by contrast, restore a man’s sexual potency by directly
    increasing blood flow without increasing desire.

    Dennis Earle, director of business development and strategic planning at
    Palatin Technologies, the American company based in New Jersey which has
    invented the medicine, said: “Let’s assume a man is not aroused by
    watching a pornographic movie: PT-141 flicks on that arousal switch.”

    I thought anything Italian would do it for you?


    PeterC [aka MildThing]
    Most scientific discoveries are heralded by a tentative "Hmmm. That's funny..." instead of a jubilant "Eureka!"

    '81 Yamaha Virago (XV) 750H (work in progress)
    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Oct 16, 2006
  6. D16GP5

    D16GP5 Guest

    Errr no, did u understand it?Its a stimuli for the other gender.

    Its not a Viagra substitute, its the anwsers to our prayers, it makes
    females horny, as on heat,AMEN!! no need to wine and dine and romance
    them, pop a pill and all hard work for is done.

    My Russian friend[girl] "Italian men are always horny" end quote LOL

    D16GP5, Oct 17, 2006
  7. D16GP5

    tropicus Guest

    He already has a Valentino poster.....
    tropicus, Oct 17, 2006
  8. D16GP5

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Is that what that is? Why does it look like it's got candle-wax all over
    Knobdoodle, Oct 17, 2006
  9. D16GP5

    Biggus Guest

    I dont even want to know how its attached/stuck/hanging on th wall
    Biggus, Oct 17, 2006
  10. D16GP5

    tropicus Guest

    His other 'valentino' sprung a leak
    tropicus, Oct 18, 2006
  11. D16GP5

    D16GP5 Guest

    Done deal, official, for 1 year, option on 2nd year [Hint Casey, "try"
    not bin it and pray for rain]
    D16GP5, Oct 20, 2006
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