About three weeks before I got banned, I got TPFT insurance for the CBR thou. The premium was £257 a year and I thought that was bloody good! Just last week I cancelled the insurance as obviously I won't be riding my bike and I've now got a demand for £125, *£125!!*. Now, I don't profess to be a mathematician but that's like six months' worth of insurance and I already coughed up fifty quid to start the insurance by credit card. What are my options here? I phoned them and they said that the fifty quid didn't cover the startup fee and I may be able to stall them for the remaining five months and put it onto a new policy. I don't want to do this, they may not have the best deal come renewal. I don't want to pay it at all. They've had fifty quid out of me and I used my bike for two weeks. Cheers.