Carburation Problems

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I set about sorting the carb on MZ wreck (MZ TS 150). I'd fitted a 22mm
    with a 115 main jet to get it running, its supposed to have a 24mm mixing
    body. It was ok, started, ran, idled but was wooden, IYSWIM

    I've since fitted a new 24mm body and good used ancillary bits (floats,
    needle valve, jets, slide etc).

    On the factory specified jets - 95 main, 60 needle jet, 40 pilot, 75
    'choke' jet it won't run unless the choke is operated, which is basically
    an enriching jet that's uncovered by a piston in the carb body.

    After *much* pissing about I've got it to run reasonably (its not had
    full proper testing) cleanly on 115 main, 75 needle jet, 40 pilot and 75

    It's still a bit fluffy under 4000 rpm. But good up to and past the 6000
    red line.

    I've not got it screaming hot and done any plug chops. Mainly because it
    was dark and starting to sleet.

    The inlets, both engine and air filter sides are clean, tight and appear
    to have no leaks.

    The only fly in the ointment may be the air filter. I haven't got a
    decent 125 OE filter which are thick and heavy paper, metal and card
    affairs. So I used a new one from a Hillman Imp, perfect fit. Usual
    British type cylindrical concertina filter.

    Its not uncommon to use car filters in the MZ world. ETZ 250s work
    really well on Morris Minor paper filters.

    Would a different paper filter make such a huge difference? The bike's
    been stood for at least 6 years but perhaps as many as 18. I'm concerned
    that the crankcase seals maybe drawing air (dynamo side as it doesn't
    burn gearbox oil).

    Any thoughts?
    sweller, Jan 17, 2004
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  2. sweller wrote
    Conventional wisdom has it that by making the airflow easier i.e. a
    lighter or no filter you are going to make it leaner. Has it got a
    refinement like a low end mixture control screw which might need undoing
    a quarter turn?

    Given what it is though I expect; if it is running then it is going to
    be a close to perfection as ever you will get.
    steve auvache, Jan 17, 2004
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  3. sweller

    sweller Guest

    I appreciate that but am surprised it was such a big difference, leading
    me to be concerned that it may be crankcase seals. I was looking for
    something that I've missed that may prove or disprove the seals.
    Only affects the idle circuit.
    Despite common belief, MZs are not that unsophisticated.
    sweller, Jan 17, 2004
  4. sweller wrote
    steve auvache, Jan 17, 2004
  5. sweller

    mups Guest

    The filter might make that much difference, you've gone up about 20% on
    mains which is what you would expect if you removed the air filter totally.
    Are you sure there's no way air can get past the Hillman Imp Filter. Are
    you getting any petrol in the gearbox oil?
    mups, Jan 17, 2004
  6. sweller

    sweller Guest

    It gets worse...

    This morning I found a used OE 125 filter in one of my boxes of scrap
    panels, blew the spiders out and it doesn't look too bad, not damp
    anyway. Set the all the jets to standard...

    ...and it runs as badly, if not worse. The two giveaways are the new
    random idling speed and that faint, but detectable, smell similar to
    frying onions. Which is either I'm using bio diesel chip oil or its
    started burning gearbox oil.

    Engine on the bench time. Probably not too much of a bad thing, I've got
    some seals somewhere. Although I'd preferred not to have had to piss
    sweller, Jan 18, 2004
  7. sweller

    mups Guest

    That's a bit of an arse but just to rub salt in, I've just come back from
    visiting my Mum in Bolton on the RS. A nice 150-mile round trip including
    about an hour on the motorway at 60 and it didn't miss a beat. Bit of a top
    end rattle but new little ends should sort that. The seat was designed by
    Vlad the impaler though.
    mups, Jan 18, 2004
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