carb rejet

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by david, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. david

    david Guest

    ok,the triple trees will stay the way they are. this is an 83 kz750 ltd
    with shaft drive. i need to know exactly what to change in carb to
    accomodate pod filters rather than the old air box. i've heard it needs
    rejetting. parts are high enough, so i can't pay a mechanic. anyone have
    david, Sep 6, 2006
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  2. david

    B-12 Guest

    I have described this re-jetting business about a bazillion times here
    in this NG.

    Spend some time googling for "main jet" and "transition ports" and "EPA
    anti-tamper plugs" and reading about the numbering system of Mikuni and
    Keihin round main jets and idle jets and you will probably figure out
    that you don't need a main jet that is larger than about a #115 to #
    120 or an idle jet that is much bigger than a # 37.5 or
    # 40.

    Jets cause about $6 to $7 each, so blindly experimenting with jets can
    get expensive very quickly.

    How about leaving the airbox in place instead? You'll save a lot of
    money and frustration.
    B-12, Sep 6, 2006
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