Carb balancing? SWK?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dave Jennings, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. sweller yik-yakked:
    As Pip says - Glasgow. So hardly neighbours!
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
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  2. sweller yik-yakked:
    Gay bike and a porridge wog? **** me, I'm done for.
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
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  3. Beav yik-yakked:
    That's far more realistic, never mind " leaving it for a week".
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  4. Beav yik-yakked:
    Yup, sorting out the dyno place as we speak - the original was dyno
    too, but I just thought they were taking the piss. Unless there aren't
    many Dyno places up here, so they push their luck.
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  5. Dave Jennings

    sweller Guest

    Yes, sort of knackers my idea. It should have been no more than a half
    hour job for me to do.

    I'd suggest taking it to an independent one man band type workshop and
    simply asking him to balance the carbs. £30 tops - probably less.
    sweller, Apr 21, 2005
  6. sweller yik-yakked:
    That would have been very kind. I'll plan to buy you some beers, but of
    course won't as you're too far away. Or else I'll buy them, but drink
    them myself whilst waiting for you.
    Now, some have said shove it on a dyno - worth it or not? I'd have
    thought balancing might have been enough, but what the **** do I know?
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  7. Dave Jennings

    sweller Guest

    I'd say the dyno would be a waste at the moment. Just get them balanced
    and see how it runs.
    sweller, Apr 21, 2005
  8. steve auvache yik-yakked:
    Did you read my OP?

    I'd had straight through pipes put on as part of a rebuild, and a Stage
    1 kit to help. However it turns out that Dynojet kits for this
    particular bike at least are total cunts to set up right. So the engine
    runs as roughly as ****. That I noticed. So I asked advice on what
    should be done, and roughly how much it should cost?

    What bit about that makes me a twat then? Anyway, I'm a **** so get it
    right FFS.
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  9. sweller yik-yakked:
    Ta, that's how I was starting to think - at least get them set up half
    decent and take it from there. Ta, I'll do just that I think, unless
    someone points out that that's total fuckwittery!
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  10. Dave Jennings

    BORG Guest

    If your in Aberystwyth pop in and have a brew and I'll do them for you

    <--ROT13 it
    Spam Trap in Header

    Freedom isn't FREE
    GHPOTHUF #69
    BORG, Apr 21, 2005
  11. Dave Jennings

    Lozzo Guest

    Pip says...
    Which explains why it costs so much. All Scottish dealers are fucking
    rip off merchants. I haven't heard anyone ever have a good word to say
    about any of them.

    If someone is looking for a guaranteed money earning business
    opportunity, open a bike workshops in central Scotland and give
    mediocre service at slightly inflated prices. You'll make a fucking
    killing and the porridge wogs will love you to bits for it. It'll be a
    **** sight better than they are used to, no matter how bad or expensive
    you are.

    Downside is you have to live in Scotland, which is probably why no-
    one's done it so far.
    Lozzo, Apr 21, 2005
  12. Dave Jennings

    Muck Guest

    Heh.. I like that. Like people that take the air boxes off old GSXRs and
    just change the main jet to 'tune' it.
    I'm building a oxygen sensor indicator thingy that I can bolt onto the
    handle bars to show me how the engines state of tune in real time. Just
    need to dill a hole in the exhaust for the little sensor. :/
    Muck, Apr 21, 2005
  13. Lozzo yik-yakked:
    Oi. Easy, tiger. There are [checks census] three of us here [checks
    again - two are sheep]. ****, sheep run the Dealerships. Explains it

    That's why I wanted the advice from here - they are all cunts ( IME )
    and not to be trusted, so a twonk like me who doesn't know could easily
    be fooled by them saying " it's yir XXX that's went, laddie that'll be
    twinty bawbees" or whatever.
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  14. BORG yik-yakked:
    Top offer, if I were 400 miles nearer. I appreciate that but, thanks!
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  15. Dave Jennings

    Muck Guest

    Muck, Apr 21, 2005
  16. Christ yes.

    I remember a CB650 I once owned. Utterly stock, but jetted by Honda
    amazingly lean (for US regs).

    The bugger ran so lean above 6000rpm I feared I might hol a piston.

    All the conventional wisdom said "Go back to stock settings, air filter,
    exhaust, etc etc". But the bugger was already 100% stock.

    I went up, not one, but *two* sizes on the main jets, and it ran like a
    dream (not a Dream). Go figure.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 21, 2005
  17. What he said. Unless they're faffing with jets and needle settings as
    well, in which case it could take two or three days.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 21, 2005
  18. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember "Beav"
    If it's loud, it might affect your herring.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 21, 2005
  19. The Older Gentleman yik-yakked:
    Ahh, the VS is like that for US regs apparently. Although there were
    different body styles for Europe & the US, they kept the engine
    settings the same for emission controls apparently.

    I'm still tempted to get them balanced first, then see if they need the
    full Dyno treatment. Or is that stupid?
    Dave Jennings, Apr 21, 2005
  20. I'd Dyno them first, to be honest.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 21, 2005
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