Over the years I've often heard, or been party to, discussions about relative maximum cornering speeds ofbikes and cars. Back when I started riding, there was no question about it, cars would always be able to corner quicker than bikes. Now I happened to be thinking about this as I rode in this morning, and actually looked at my speedo. There's one bend, for example, that I'd normally be happy going round at 70-80mph in the Peugeot (which is a 2-litre GTI with 205/45 tyres, stiff suspension and hence immense roadholding) but which would demand more concentration etc. to be much quicker. This morning I was just tootling along, as you do, but I noticed that I was going round it at 100. Bugger me, this 'ere gixxer corners fast, dunnit? Thing is, I'm sure either of the cars would get round at that speed, but you'd feel like you were on a race track, whereas the gixxer just cruised around without even feeling fast. I could prolly have added another 20mph before it started to get, er, interesting, IYSWIM. So, are bikes now better at cornering than cars? Or is it just that I'd need to compare it with a Ferrari or somesuch to make a valid comparison?