Car Trouble...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by deadmail, Dec 13, 2003.

  1. deadmail

    SteveH Guest

    I've just blown my first month's petrol allowance on a shite old MZ to
    get me to and from work..... just got to work out what to do with the
    other 11 months worth ;-)
    SteveH, Dec 18, 2003
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  2. deadmail

    Lozzo Guest

    SteveH said...
    You'll be spending that on repairs
    Lozzo, Dec 18, 2003
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  3. deadmail

    Ben Blaney Guest

    The Turbo was reasonably quick as standard. My mechanic's mate has one
    with 250bhp and all the usual Essex refinements.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 19, 2003
  4. deadmail

    SteveH Guest

    Heh.... not even Timo could spend £300 / month on repairs.... or could
    SteveH, Dec 19, 2003
  5. deadmail

    SteveH Guest

    Primera Turbo? - I take it that's an import?

    Or are you referring to your hairdressers special?
    SteveH, Dec 19, 2003
  6. deadmail

    mups Guest

    Did they do a turbo Primera? Or are you thinking of the bog awful Bluebird
    mups, Dec 19, 2003
  7. deadmail

    Ben Blaney Guest

    eGT then.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 19, 2003
  8. deadmail

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I think it went by the name 2.0eGT.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 19, 2003
  9. deadmail

    SteveH Guest

    2lt, 16v, twin-cam normally aspirated, ISTR.

    Pretty sure Petrolcan had / has an incarnation of that one.
    SteveH, Dec 19, 2003
  10. deadmail

    Ginge Guest

    Standard eGT = 2.0 16v non turbo - 150BHP.. the turbo would have been

    Sounds like fun though.
    Ginge, Dec 19, 2003
  11. deadmail

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Oh. Thought they were standard. Never mind, it's got one now.
    Haven't driven it. It's fucking loud, though - with a custom made 5"
    stainless exhaust.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 19, 2003
  12. deadmail

    Pip Guest

    So why the **** were you squawking about 250 quid for an armoured
    waterproof suit?
    Pip, Dec 19, 2003
  13. deadmail

    SteveH Guest

    It just feels wrong spending that much on a bit of cordura and body
    SteveH, Dec 19, 2003
  14. deadmail

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Because spending loads of repairing wanky old cars and bike is rational?
    Ben Blaney, Dec 19, 2003
  15. deadmail

    Hog Guest

    Shirly the more you spend on said suit the better you will feel? Retail
    therapy and all that. Or perhaps houses in Wales weren't so cheap after
    Hog, Dec 19, 2003
  16. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    I'd say so, yes.
    deadmail, Dec 19, 2003
  17. deadmail

    Pip Guest

    It isn't just "a bit of cordura and body armour" though, is it?

    It is your protective waterproof, windproof outer shell. 250 quid is
    _cheap_ for what it is, and exactly meets your requirement - bearing
    in mind that such items are very thin on the ground as most of the
    world has seen sense and gone for the two-piece jacket and trousers
    which are much more flexible and convenient than a one-piece.
    Pip, Dec 19, 2003
  18. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    I'd quite like one of those Aerostitch style things if they were truely
    water proof.

    However with the long zip they aren't going to be waterproof.
    deadmail, Dec 19, 2003
  19. deadmail

    Pip Guest

    I'm awaiting the great unveling by P Varnsverry Esq. of the next
    generation of outerwear that will replace both leather and Cordura.
    Pip, Dec 19, 2003
  20. deadmail

    muddycat Guest

    I'm waffelling about one myself. I know several people that have them
    and they say they do quite well[1] if you get caught out in the rain. It
    depends alot on riding position and having a fairing to block the rain.

    The Darrien jacket and pants are waterfroof but that runs quite a bit
    more and the back protector is also 'optional'.

    [1] Leaks in the crotch area some.


    Testing the limits of gravity since 1947.

    icq - 219328929
    muddycat, Dec 19, 2003
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