Car cop's lethal death toll -- The Welsh Traffic Talban speaks..

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Real Archibald, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. The Real Archibald

    Fred Guest

    If not full beam the headlamp must be out of alignment.
    Fred, Apr 30, 2004
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  2. Do you actually understand what happens when a motorbike accelerates
    William Grainger, Apr 30, 2004
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  3. The Real Archibald

    Ian Guest

    "Andrewr At Work" wrote in message
    I suppose the statistics of the Cosham, Hampshire support your view. There
    appeared to have been 2 accidents this morning. Both involving motorcycles
    and about 1/2 a mile apart. The first I came across was a small bike, the
    second a large bike. As there are more large bikes than small ones on the
    road, the statistics suggest small bikes are more likely to crash. I heard
    on the radio that the Police are carrying out checks on speeding bikes as 4
    bikers have died on Hampshire roads so far this year. According to the item
    you posted yesterday most bikers ride in the Summer, so we can look forward
    to more death and serious injury amongst them. More families loosing loved
    ones and more cost to the nation.

    Ian, Apr 30, 2004
  4. The Real Archibald

    flashgorman Guest


    So if all the corners in North Wales were limited to say 20 mph (which was
    obeyed), then you're saying the accident rates for people on bikes with no
    other traffic about would be unaffected?
    flashgorman, Apr 30, 2004
  5. The Real Archibald

    ogden Guest

    Well lets all pay heartfelt thanks to the powers-that-be, who have decreed
    that it should be impossible to turn off the headlight on all new bikes.

    ogden, Apr 30, 2004
  6. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    How many more times!

    Dipped beam maybe better, but the twits who use full beam are the problem -
    they are no better than car drivers using fog lights in clear weather.

    I owned a bike for 5 years, have driven cars for 25 and understand how
    acceleration affects vehicles and bikes.

    MrBitsy, Apr 30, 2004
  7. The Real Archibald

    flashgorman Guest

    On the other hand, you could be behind a biker when he drops a huge wedge of
    cash. You need to sort out the whole half full/half empty glass of water
    flashgorman, Apr 30, 2004
  8. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    My family could be walking on the pavement on a bend where a biker goes
    straight on. I could be in my car when a biker hits the drivers door.

    Your attitude stinks. I took the IAM course and test so I was more aware of
    other vehicles and how my driving may affect them.

    MrBitsy, Apr 30, 2004
  9. The Real Archibald

    Ben Blaney Guest

    But you don't *know* that they're using full beam. You think they
    are, because it hits your right in the eyes [0] but they /might not

    [0] Ironically.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 30, 2004
  10. The Real Archibald

    Eddie Guest


    Eddie, Apr 30, 2004
  11. MrBitsy wrote
    Up until that point I thought you were just anther self opinionated
    twat. Now I know you are not that clever.
    steve auvache, Apr 30, 2004
  12. wrote
    Suggesting that most of your riding is in their company? I see more
    commuters. But all that says is our experiences, while being of a
    biking nature, are in fact different.
    I would like to see the statistics presented by time of day, day of the
    week and season etc. I am sure completely different picture would
    steve auvache, Apr 30, 2004
  13. The Real Archibald

    Pip Guest

    <points and laughs>

    You may find that your observational skills improve drastically if you
    were to pull your head out of your arse.
    Pip, Apr 30, 2004
  14. Dan White wrote
    As would I.
    We do have evidence, albeit anecdotal, in that there are a rising number
    of second-hand, near newly, extremely low mileage sports machines on the
    steve auvache, Apr 30, 2004
  15. sweller wrote
    And that the introduction of the CBT has done much to reduce accidents
    involving smaller PTWs particularly.
    steve auvache, Apr 30, 2004
  16. The Real Archibald

    Cab Guest

    MrBitsy wrote:bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along
    the lines of:
    My knob's bigger than yours.

    Who gives a ****. You think that having done the IAM course and test
    makes you a better driver? Fscking wake up.

    Cab :^) - Ormiga Atomica
    GSX 1400 - 'Tarts Handbag' (tm) Bike, dead 550/4 Rat
    UKRMMA#10 (KoTL), IbW#015, Bob#4, POTM#3

    P.S. Remove your_head from the cab. ICQ: 83023471
    Cab, Apr 30, 2004
  17. I've hit a driver's door in a t-bone stylee on my motorbike.
    The driver sustained no injuries[1]

    [1] because my broken wrist stopped me from smacking them
    for pulling out in front of me.
    William Grainger, Apr 30, 2004
  18. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    I know the difference - it appears you may not.

    MrBitsy, Apr 30, 2004
  19. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    At least I have the option.

    MrBitsy, Apr 30, 2004
  20. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    (William Grainger) wrote in
    Youi were about as lucky as me.

    I was once being chased by three bikers when riding my Suzuki 250. I went
    through a red light abd hit a car side on. I went over the car and broke a
    couple of toes on landing. The car hit a lampost that fell through the roof
    of a house.

    That was 25 years ago. I took the IAM course to improve my driving. It was
    a great course and I got a lot from it, including having sympathy towards
    other road users needs.

    MrBitsy, Apr 30, 2004
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