Car cop's lethal death toll -- The Welsh Traffic Talban speaks..

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Real Archibald, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. The Real Archibald

    Fred Guest

    I am too annoyed at being blinded during the day by an ill aimed dipped or
    main beam headlamp. However I am quite happy for them to be on as long as
    they are on dipped and the aim is correct. After all they are more
    difficult to see and I personally have known two drivers to pull out in
    front of bikes causing injury.
    Fred, Apr 29, 2004
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  2. The Real Archibald

    Ginge Guest

    OK, wonderbrian, wrap your thought process around this.

    Cars have become safer in an accident due to airbags , crumple zones,
    etc. Motorcycles do not have these features so have become no safer,
    however the riders have not been crashing any more or less.

    So essentially what we're talking about is both car drivers and
    motorcyclists are no better, but car drivers are better protected.
    Ginge, Apr 29, 2004
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  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Are we allowed to go back to the "driving is a privilege, not a right"
    and "lets raise the driving test standard" arguments now then?
    William Grainger, Apr 29, 2004
  4. The Real Archibald

    Lozzo Guest

    MrBitsy says...
    That's enough to make anyone anti-bike. You should have bought the
    Yamaha RD.
    Lozzo, Apr 29, 2004
  5. The Real Archibald

    Guest Guest

    I remember reading research showing that drivers find it more difficult to
    judge the speed and distance of a bike with headlights on. I was not

    At short distances daytime lights just add confusion, at great distance
    they make you visible, but who cares, there are no threats at great
    Guest, Apr 29, 2004
  6. No argument here.. not after one of my best friends was killed last
    year by an idiot who pulled out of a side road in front of him.
    On a nice, long, straight road, in 'perfect' conditions.


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    "I'm training the bats who live in my cubicle
    to juggle mushrooms"
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Apr 29, 2004
  7. The Real Archibald

    mb Guest

    We know you meant "vulnerable", only a moron would suggest otherwise.
    Yes, we know larger, faster, bikes are safer than small, slow ones.
    mb, Apr 29, 2004
  8. The Real Archibald

    sweller Guest

    He's dead.
    sweller, Apr 29, 2004
  9. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Another good reason not to ride irresponsibly and at an inapropriate
    speed, past roadside items capable of causing such injuries. The rider
    should be able to judge an appropriate speed - if they don't then its
    hardly surprising the reaction is 'lower speed to save lives'.
    Inapropriate speed. Wasn't it obvious black ice was a probability? If
    such injuries can be caused at such a low speed, why are bikers changing
    routes so they can brake the law?

    I have been stopped by the police for a vehicle safety check - no problem
    at all. I wish we had more of them to get the dangerous vehicles off the
    Nobody should have a loud exhaust and it has been proven that black
    visors reduce visibilty - again, the bikers are not taking responsibilty
    for their actions so someone else is!

    Irelevent, that is the law.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  10. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    I can agree with that. It was the 'ram air' bit that got me going!

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  11. The Real Archibald

    Ian Guest

    The figures I quoted from dft_transstats_024328.pdf were accident rates for
    all motorcycles. The vehicle population according to
    dft_transstats_024260.pdf shows a decline in mopeds between 1992 and 2002
    from 174,000 to 155,000. For bikes from 50 to 125cc the decline was from
    221,000 to 177,000. The increase in the over 125cc class is from 293,000 to

    The link you quoted today points particularly at the rise of accidents in
    the over 500cc class (paragraph 203, page 69) and the changes in accident
    rates. I note that it also says there is a 40% rise in deaths between 1997
    and 2002 from machines 501-1000cc. But the death rate for bikes under 500cc
    and above 1000cc remained the same. As can be seen in Paragraph 28 to
    Appendix 2.

    I also note that in Paragraph 30 to Appendix 2; Police investigators
    concluded that in 73% of accidents involving motorcycles were the fault of
    the rider. In 64% they lost control. Paragraph 31 states that 45% of
    accidents resulted from excessive speed.

    Ian, Apr 29, 2004
  12. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Yep, bikers using dipped beam is fine - its the twits who use full beam
    that are the problem. I gues they are from the same school as those using
    fog lights when it isn't foggy.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  13. Ian wrote
    Dead bikers don't give statements.
    steve auvache, Apr 29, 2004
  14. Andrewr At Work wrote
    I don't use a tinted visor, I think they are a silly idea for road use.
    I would be lost without my Reactolites though.
    steve auvache, Apr 29, 2004
  15. The Real Archibald

    Ben Blaney Guest

    You may find that what you think is a bike with full beam on is in
    fact a bike with dipped beam which happens to be accelerating; the
    weight transfer making the light point upwards.

    But don't let that stop you from making uninformed criticisms.
    Ben Blaney, Apr 29, 2004
  16. The Real Archibald

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Perhaps you'd like to advise us all - from the perspective of your
    obvious vast experience of motorcycling - what would be an appropriate
    Ben Blaney, Apr 29, 2004
  17. What could the police do if you attempt to walk off,
    pushing your luggage along with you?
    Nick Finnigan, Apr 29, 2004
  18. The Real Archibald

    Jim Higgons Guest

    That's my point exactly. The rise in biker deaths most likely has
    bugger all to do with speed cameras.

    Jim Higgons, Apr 29, 2004
  19. iirc, "excessive speed" is actually a shortening of what is
    on the form, which is "excessive speed for the conditions"...
    So imagine two accidents. One at 60mph on a dry road on sunny day.
    Bike overtakes car whilst car driver is reaching for sweet in
    passenger footwell and swerves. Bike comes off. Reason for
    accident is not "excessive speed".

    Second accident; at 30 mph on a rainy day; bike goes for overtake,
    inexperienced rider looses rear grip and goes into back of
    car. Reason for accident would then be "excessive speed for
    William Grainger, Apr 29, 2004
  20. The Real Archibald

    Pip Guest

    It's death, Jim, but not as you know it. I'll have you know that the
    last twice I've died coming off my bike, I've headbutted the steel
    post supporting a camera.
    I say that the camera is responsible. So there.
    Pip, Apr 29, 2004
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