Car cop's lethal death toll -- The Welsh Traffic Talban speaks..

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Real Archibald, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. The Real Archibald

    Jeremy Guest

    Jeremy, Apr 29, 2004
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  2. The Real Archibald

    Jim Higgons Guest

    No, what these tragedies prove is that a few speed cameras scattered
    about cannot prevent every fatality on the roads.

    Suppose you've got a bad head and a cough. You take some paracetamol.
    Your head gets better but your cough gets worse. Do you conclude that
    paracetamol doesn't work?

    Jim Higgons, Apr 29, 2004
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  3. The Real Archibald

    Cab Guest

    Alan wrote:bored us all completely to death with wittery prose along
    the lines of:
    Only France, IIRC.

    Cab :^) - Ormiga Atomica
    GSX 1400 - 'Tarts Handbag' (tm) Bike, dead 550/4 Rat
    UKRMMA#10 (KoTL), IbW#015, Bob#4, POTM#3

    P.S. Remove your_head from the cab. ICQ: 83023471
    Cab, Apr 29, 2004
  4. Ok, that's a good point, thanks.
    I don't believe "excess" speed is a cause of road accidents.
    Figures are all subject to interpretation.

    The Real Archibald, Apr 29, 2004
  5. The Real Archibald

    Jeremy Guest

    <fx: tumble weed>


    ['75 RD250A ] | ['02 Fazer 600 in blue]
    jeremy dot ovenden at hazelweb dot co dot uk
    Jeremy, Apr 29, 2004
  6. I don't know. I am here to learn from others who know more about the
    subject than I do.

    (Cue comment from Bastard Bear)
    Yes, I agree. I was saying that earlier. I am here to learn.

    BTW Thanks for those other figures and source posted by you earlier.

    The Real Archibald, Apr 29, 2004
  7. The Real Archibald

    ogden Guest

    Take two oranges and force them together at 30mph. Big mess.

    Now put one orange in a cardboard box and repeat the experiment. The
    orange in the box will fare a little better, but the unboxed one is
    still going to be pretty buggered.

    Now wrap the first orange in bubble wrap, put it back in the cardboard
    box, put the box in a reinforced titanium cage, cover that in steel
    plate, and put some bull-bars on the front. Force them together at
    60mph and the orange in the box is unscathed but the other one is

    Now blame the pulp for not looking out for the other orange.
    ogden, Apr 29, 2004
  8. The Real Archibald

    Dan White Guest

    Yes. There are more bikes on the road than ever before, and cars have gotten
    safer whilst their owners have compensated by becoming even more clueless
    myopic cunts than before.
    Dan White, Apr 29, 2004
  9. The Real Archibald

    Dan White Guest

    <VBG> I was thinking *exactly* the same thing!
    Dan White, Apr 29, 2004
  10. The Real Archibald

    Ian Guest

    "Bystander" wrote in message
    I don't know what type of speed camera they are using in North Wales, but
    the Truvelo type in use in Hampshire are useless at detecting speeding
    motorcycles as they face forward and a M/C only has a numberplate at the
    back. Consequently, the cars slow down for the cameras and the M/C don't.
    Thus increasing the speed differential. The motorcyclists have even less
    respect for the law than they used to, which wasn't much anyway.

    Ian, Apr 29, 2004
  11. The Real Archibald

    dwb Guest

    Nice generalisation - I'm such a law breaker me - two fingers to the law
    etc. Not.

    As AndyR says - why should the cars need to slow down? Would they slow down
    if they didn't have to?

    yes, motorcycles are more OBVIOUS when they break the law for many reasons,
    however proportionally
    they're a minority when it comes to 'being naughty'.

    But don't let that get in the way of a good rabble rouse.
    dwb, Apr 29, 2004
  12. The Real Archibald

    dwb Guest

    The use of motorcycles has also increased markedly in that time.
    dwb, Apr 29, 2004
  13. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    How about the bikers not having full beam on during the day? Maybe drivers
    wouldn't mis-judge the bikers position so often.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  14. The Real Archibald

    Ian Guest

    "dwb" wrote in message
    However, the death rate per 100,000 kilometres for motorcyclists is 14 times
    that for car drivers. Seems a pretty high price for being 'naughty'.

    Ian, Apr 29, 2004
  15. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    If we are to have cameras, they need to be hidden. We get drivers braking
    in the vicinity of cameras regardless of their speed and this is ading

    A visible camera will only slow down people around them but hidden
    cameras will cause people to be more carefull everywhere. Surely if
    cameras aid safety, this would give benefit to everyone.

    Of course, I would prefer riders and drivers to travel within the HC and
    be sensible. It is the attitude of the stupid that is causing cameras to
    be used. If we change our attitudes then the cameras will die a natural

    Of course, this sense is not going to materialise, so we can only look
    forward to more restrictions being put in place.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  16. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Of course they are. The biker is not part of the cause at all, its all the
    trees fault.
    Of course - the rider will ride just as irresponsibly on either.
    Maybe give away free brains to bikers at the start of each 'track'?

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  17. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Thanks, I needed a good laugh.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  18. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    A biker hitting one of those 'dangerous trees' at half the speed, will have
    more chance of surviving.

    Of course, if the biker was to ride sensibly then I would agree with your
    A speed trap doesn't force anybody to change their route - only those who
    want to break the law.
    60mph, along the type of roads riders like to break the law is very

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  19. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Yes I know, that is so irritating.
    I can tell - its the others. I used to ride a Suzuki 250 (Ram Air, ooh
    er!), so I am not anti bike but a light on full beam does seem to confuse
    some drivers.

    MrBitsy, Apr 29, 2004
  20. The Real Archibald

    Ian Guest

    "Dan White" wrote in message ...
    In 1992 the death rate comparing the number of vehicles per 100 million
    kilometres driven was 1.4 for car drivers and 12 for motorcyclists. In 2002
    the same rates were 1.0 and 14. The accident rate for all severites for cars
    has dropped from 93 to 80. For motorcyclists the rate has remained at about
    600 with some years better than others. Which suggests that cars have become
    safer and motorcyclists remained just as irresponsible. However, there are
    now twice as many people riding large motorcycles as in 1992, whilst the
    numbers riding smaller motorcycles has dropped. Why have a large motorcycle
    if you don't want to go fast?

    Ian, Apr 29, 2004
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