Car cop's lethal death toll -- The Welsh Traffic Talban speaks..

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Real Archibald, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    I was qualifying why the people I have spoke to feel this way.
    Unfortunately not. In the past two days I have been blinded twice by
    bikers using full beam during the day. One of them when I was entering a
    roundabout to turn right. As I lokked back to the right I was blinded -
    not a good point to blind another road user.

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
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  2. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    That why I went to the IAM for an advanced course. All drivers should make
    sure their observation skills are as good as possible.
    In percentage terms I would say around 5% of the bikes I see, display full
    beam during the day. Of course, this figure includes all two wheel vehicles
    apart from cycles.

    They let down the majority of bikers that ride quite reasonably.

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
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  3. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    You used it as an example and I am just cofirming that to be included in my
    Some bikers do use full beam - 3 in the last two days. Of course, I may
    very well have past 100 that had dipped headlights as well in the same

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
  4. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Could you possibly tell how you have managed to observe the same bikers as
    me, on the same road at the same time from the same angle?

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
  5. The Real Archibald

    Dan White Guest

    Is there *ever* a good point to blind another road user?

    Where the hell do you drive anyway? Is it anywhere near a motorcycle
    headlamp bulb factory?
    Dan White, May 5, 2004
  6. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Maybe :)

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
  7. MrBitsy wrote
    Satellite tracking?
    steve auvache, May 5, 2004
  8. MrBitsy wrote

    Experience suggests to me that the only people the IAM take on their
    courses are those who already know everything and the course is there
    just to reinforce their high self opinion.
    steve auvache, May 5, 2004
  9. The Real Archibald

    Pip Guest

    Unfortunately I cannot give any credence to your wild accusations.
    You cannot have "been blinded twice" unless the blinding was carried
    out one eye at a time, and then you should have specified this. I
    don't think that you have ever been blinded, you grandstanding

    ITYF that "dazzled" is the word for which you are fruitlessly groping.
    Pip, May 5, 2004
  10. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Oooh - I'll give you 7.5 for that - you obviously was looking for a
    cleverness score.

    All those people that have been temporarily blinded have all been wrong!

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
  11. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    I took out two new associates last week. I always ask new associates why
    they are here.

    First associate described how she had written off two cars in two years.
    She explained she now realises her driving was to blame in both accidents,
    and now she wants to improve.

    Second associate explained said she was a very nervous driver and always
    seemed to upset other drivers. She wants to improve her driving.

    Your experience of all drivers having a high opinion of themselves is

    MrBitsy, May 5, 2004
  12. The Real Archibald

    Binary Era Guest

    I've been tailgated far more than three times in the last two days,
    mostly while trying to stay at 30/30.

    What does your advanced skills say to do in such a situation?
    Binary Era, May 5, 2004
  13. The Real Archibald

    Binary Era Guest

    There I was, calmly proceeding on my way. The traffic in the other
    direction was queueing for the traffic lights.

    Woman in 4X4 approaches to join end of queue, and decides she can

    She does this by swerving into my lane, less the two car lengths in
    from of me. Fortunately I am street-wise, but probably couldn't pass
    an 'advanced' test, nevertheless I escaped - entirely due to *my*
    skills - without collision or injury.

    Full-beam headlights on bikes bother you? Get real.
    Binary Era, May 5, 2004
  14. The Real Archibald

    Pete Smith Guest

    Wind down the sunroof, and throw empty beer cans at the tailgater. Make sure
    you don't use one with beer in. It would be a waste.

    Pete Smith, May 5, 2004
  15. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Would cars using full beams bother you - thought so!

    MrBitsy, May 6, 2004
  16. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    Same here :-(
    What did you do?

    MrBitsy, May 6, 2004
  17. The Real Archibald

    Binary Era Guest

    You're the advanced driver - you tell us.
    Binary Era, May 6, 2004
  18. The Real Archibald

    Binary Era Guest

    You've missed the point, again.
    Binary Era, May 6, 2004
  19. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    As I thought, they would bother you.

    MrBitsy, May 6, 2004
  20. The Real Archibald

    MrBitsy Guest

    What did you do?

    MrBitsy, May 6, 2004
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