Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ Umm... -- Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest" I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and go and talk to the Catholics.
She's still adamant that her assertation that "salmon and lobster aren't seafood" was reasonable, though when pressed on scampi she claimed they were fish tails. "If scampi aren't fish, what are they then?" You know, we really should write a book.
This is your chance to fill her head with totally incorrect and funny rubbish so she can be used for entertainment at parties, pub quizzes, etc.
My FiL did some classics to my missus. Even at the age of 30, she was convinced that women weren't allowed into bookmakers.