Call to Arms - we may lose the battles but will win the war

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Conrad, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. Conrad

    Steve Strik Guest

    My favorite was the one that was parked in the edge of the road
    between Alexandra and Yark (not sure of spelling). Parked right on
    the white line where there is a small series of hills with double
    lines. To get passed hime safely in the car you "had" to cross the
    double lines. I'm sure they would have pinned a head on there as the
    result of "speed".


    Steve Strik, Aug 12, 2003
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  2. Conrad

    Nev.. Guest


    '02 CBR1100XX #2
    Nev.., Aug 12, 2003
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  3. Conrad

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Nev.." wrote
    Sounds more like a statement.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 12, 2003
  4. Conrad

    Smee Guest

    Point is, if its difficult to read it won't be read
    Take it from a chalkie.
    I'd fail what you wrote just on the basis of the shocking grammar, or at
    least get you to rewrite it so it can be intelligible.
    Corks is just a failure full stop though:)
    Smee, Aug 12, 2003
  5. Conrad

    Conrad Guest

    Ok, point taken. Just a quick check is Corks 'Intach Kneeslider' ? (I am
    new to this group)

    Conrad, Aug 12, 2003
  6. Conrad

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Conrad" wrote
    I hadn't considered that possibility......... Naaaaaah!

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 12, 2003
  7. Conrad

    Conrad Guest

    Thanks - just checking.

    Didn't realise this group would have so many sticklers for the rules of
    written language. After spending much of my online time in other groups I
    have started to write like you program, I have also developed habit of
    excessive use of TLAs (so much so every car license plate I see nowdays
    means something, I am starting to get very worried about my state of mind!)

    Conrad, Aug 12, 2003
  8. Conrad

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Conrad" wrote
    A very well edumicated lot here. Bunch of pedants actually.
    I don't program.

    Leave all the TLA's to the people who play in IRC and SMS.

    Oh, some people don't like top-posting. Including me.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 12, 2003
  9. Conrad

    Conrad Guest

    I guess I had better not upset to many applecarts, hence the bottom posting
    despite me having a preference for on top and always remember the advice a
    gentleman always when on top uses his elbows to support his weight.

    Conrad, Aug 12, 2003
  10. Conrad

    Jorgen Guest

    Funny! :)

    I hope to be able to upgrade to the 2003 R6 within a few weeks. Might cop my
    first speeding fine still - although I'll book a superbikeschool day asap to
    get that out of the system ;)

    Jorgen, Aug 12, 2003
  11. See, there you go again... in your original letter, you open with statements
    which have public servants driving Volvos, playing lawn bowls (or lawns
    bowl, as you'd have it, which really sounds like a version of indoor soccer
    played in one's backyard), and carrying some grudge against the private

    Now, in your response to my criticism, you come up with the above; a
    caricatured image of a "boffin".

    Note to you about cliches, Conrad, especially derogatory ones which lead
    into a poorly-typed (missing punctuation, spelling errors, sentences not
    commencing with capitals...) missive which lays out, with almost evangelical
    energy, a proposal as oft-repeated as the never-funny stereotypes which
    preceded it...

    If I was AMCN editor (if I was, I'd probably start punching myself for being
    responsible for such a consistently limp publication), I'd look at your
    letter and I'd go:

    1. Public servants drive Volvos... gees, where have I heard that one before?
    2. Solve the speeding fine epidemic by herding everyone into the courts to
    contest it... hmmm, bit of a parallel between that one and hub-centre
    steering on bikes, isn't there?
    3. The speeding fine epidemic is an assault on our personal freedoms... nice
    to see someone_else_pays that much attention to the phraseology used by Bill
    4. More spelling and grammar errors, and wonky sentence structure than, as
    the letter's author might himself have put it, you can poke a stick at.

    Conclusion: The bloke's a legend in his own kitchen... bin.

    Although, knowing Wootton, he'll probably run a spell-checker over your
    letter and publish it...
    Intact Kneeslider, Aug 13, 2003
  12. Well, we do ride (almost) the same bike, and his exhaust used to be my
    Helps keep the idiots who use statements like "I'm an advanced individual
    making a rational argument which" out... for illustration of what is meant,
    skim over the crossposted "78 New Cameras..." thread...
    OK. Read that back to yourself, and tell me that that doesn't make you sound
    like a slacker; if you can't be arsed putting in the smidgen of extra effort
    it would take to construct your sentences properly, let alone not resort to
    having statements like

    #include <stereotype.h>
    #include <cliche.h>
    #include <misspelt_out_of_context_big_word.h>

    in your source code, how much stock can you expect anyone to put into what
    you're saying; it's the equivalent of talking while scratching your nuts...
    think about how your eyes roll back in their head when someone within
    earshot starts complaining about the BSOD (there you go, a FILA) as if it's
    only just been unleashed on an unsuspecting tech support department...

    Should try CGI... when you find yourself walking down the street and having
    buildings, lamposts, cars and people spontaneously devolve into amalgams of
    wireframe cylinders, ovoids and boxes, it's time to stop sitting at the PC
    till 4am on a schoolnight...
    Intact Kneeslider, Aug 13, 2003
  13. Conrad

    BT Humble Guest

    I'm afraid that my programming structure doesn't even slightly
    resemble the way you write! ;-)
    True, I haven't seen any "DOA" plates for a while though...

    (Non-Volvo-driving public servant)
    BT Humble, Aug 13, 2003
  14. Conrad

    BT Humble Guest

    That's a "pod of pedants", Theo.

    (I'll leave the spelling falme to someone else!) ;-)

    BT Humble, Aug 13, 2003
  15. Yeah, and they're _both_ Rip Hangary Snr...

    big (and Hamish too, I suspect!)
    Iain Chalmers, Aug 13, 2003
  16. Conrad

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I'll take it you falmed on purpose.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 13, 2003
  17. Conrad

    Conrad Guest

    I actually don't have anything against the public sector, its really more
    something I have against lame brained individuals. My response was mainly
    attacking the position that to be taken seriously, correct spelling and
    grammar was required (despite the fact that I wasn't totally serious at the
    time). People who do play lawn bowls are normally pretty scary on the road
    though (only a cliche as it is a consistent truth).
    Take a complement and enjoy it.
    Sorry typing diarea (often support by verbal too), but better out than in

    Or maybe really bored at the time.
    :) just wanted a freebie
    Conrad, Aug 13, 2003
  18. Conrad

    Nev.. Guest

    Of course it is. It is the most important element of your correspondence.

    '02 CBR1100XX #2
    Nev.., Aug 13, 2003
  19. Fooled me...
    "_Were_required", but I digress... how hard is it to keep track of whether
    your next character should be a punctuation mark or a capital? How much time
    does it take to read back a sentence you've just typed to convince yourself
    it makes sense? If you demonstrably fail to perform these two very low-level
    tasks, what are we to make of you?
    That you're too lazy to do it, in which case how much effort did you expend
    on formulating the view you're trying to present?
    That you simply haven't got the brain capacity to spare; if so, how coherent
    a view on anything are you capable of forming?
    How seriously do you take someone who comes across as a slacker and/or an
    Consistent? As in "obvious"? As in, "easy"? As in, "more evidence that you
    think off the shelf, that you can't be arsed thinking for yourself and are
    happy to see if stringing together a bunch of threadworn expressions will
    impress anyone"? Shit, I just described the methodology of commercial
    software development... maybe it all does fit...
    As a joke to be shared among programmers, that one's quite the
    Is "diarea" something like the overwrought style of writing which can often
    be found in someone's diary, or... oh, wait, I get it! You meant
    "diarrhoea". OK, then. Think about what would be the bowel-movement
    equivalent of sauntering up to a public forum and announcing your presence
    with an overlong concatenation of cliches. Maybe something like dropping
    your daks, squatting and letting spray wherever the needs finds you? Do you
    do that, as well, or do you actually seek out a toilet?
    That's even better; now you're saying, "Hey, you, the editor of a major
    nationwide (and New Zealand) publication. Yes, you with more deadlines to
    meet and more industry supporters to keep happy than there are hours in the
    day. Here, have a read through this thing I put together 'cause I had
    nothing better to do..."

    "Faken self-important brat...grumblemumblecunt..."
    OK, that one's got me beaten. Wtf's a flippant "Just wanted a freebie"
    supposed to mean in this context?

    Moral of the story, opinions may well be like R1's, but some R1's get
    regular oil changes and aren't ridden around on flatspotted tyres and stock
    suspension settings...
    Intact Kneeslider, Aug 13, 2003
  20. In on Wed, 13 Aug 2003 16:32:31 +1000
    As is refraining from cliched humour.

    Why? Because otherwise you look like a loser, and who will follow a

    If you want people to put themselves out for something, to spend time
    and money on it, you have to convince them you have a clue. You have to
    convince them you know what you are talking about. Schoolboy humour and
    schoolboy writing spell schoolboy who wasn't paying attention in English
    class, meaning he probably has no idea how the real world works either.

    Presentation is vital when you want people to do things you ask them to
    do. Especially if what you want is going to mean work for them.

    Zebee Johnstone, Aug 13, 2003
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