**** off, shorty. It works both ways. -- Alex BMW R1150GS DIAABTCOD#3 MSWF#4 UKRMFBC#6 Ibw#35 BOB#8 http://www.team-ukrm.co.uk Windy's "little soldier"
You say tomato, I say tomato... -- Alex BMW R1150GS DIAABTCOD#3 MSWF#4 UKRMFBC#6 Ibw#35 BOB#8 http://www.team-ukrm.co.uk Windy's "little soldier"
<Here to help mode=on> You said getting the pegs down on the guzzi is "quite tricky". I suggested there might not be any, which would make getting the pegs down "quite tricky". HTH
So do you think it's just your guzzi, or guzzis in general, that Will thinks are renowned for not having footrests?
No, let's not. It's much more fun watching you trying to explain you un-funniness How many SOBs have you owned that didn't have footrests then?