Caged Needle Bearing and Axle Care...

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, May 5, 2005.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone

    JB Guest

    Right. My Grandpa lost a brother that way. I never understood it when
    I was in shop class because our saws,
    lathes, etc produced very coarse sawdust - it wasn't likely to stay
    suspended in the air for any length of time. But
    some of that sawdust is fine powder ....
    JB, May 8, 2005
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  2. Larry xlax Lovisone

    JB Guest

    Keep a pencil handy in your tank-bag for this (then you can write the
    ODO on your receipt, and you can see what sort of mileage
    you're getting. I've noticed that in NV & UT I get better mileage ...
    must be the gas!)
    JB, May 8, 2005
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  3. Larry xlax Lovisone

    JB Guest

    My sis who used to manage a credit crad dispute unit assured me that the
    vender is always responbile to verify that the person using the
    CC is authorized to use it. (If you think about this, it is the only
    way the system could work: those who are able to verify must be held
    accountable for verifying or they'd slack off ... even more than they do
    Again. I think the gas station is liable for the money in the case of
    the stolen card.
    JB, May 8, 2005
  4. Oh, I was even suggesting that some of its properties make
    gasoline less useful as a solvent than the alternatives.
    It was designed for something else, I think...
    Michael Sierchio, May 8, 2005
  5. Larry xlax Lovisone

    XS11E Guest

    It was originally designed as a cleaning fluid.
    XS11E, May 8, 2005
  6. I don't think that's what petroleum engineers are aiming at
    these days.
    Michael Sierchio, May 8, 2005
  7. Larry xlax Lovisone

    XS11E Guest

    Right, now their biggest profit is making shirts, shoes, cell phones,
    coffee cups, furniture, McDonald's Big Macs* and any other plastic

    *I believe a Big Mac is entirely petroleum products and by products
    consisting of a styrofoam "bun", yellow plastic "cheese", brown plastic
    "meat", etc.
    XS11E, May 9, 2005
  8. the CC companies knock a few pennies off the transaction rate for each
    piece of customer verification. a human verified signature with photo ID
    check is gold. next step down is asking for full billing address and the
    4-digit extra number. then just full billing address. then just zip.
    since the first few aren't exactly practical for a unattented gas pump,
    they take what they can get.
    John R Pierce, May 9, 2005
  9. Negative Jr.Pudknocker... it's about what's known in the mind... accomplished
    with heart and enacted as life...

    My kneesliders had aleady touch down racing in the Old Highway 40 Race Donner

    We rode together in 2003...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, May 9, 2005
  10. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Big Kahuna Guest


    Exactly. I take my business elsewhere they they pull junk like that....

    Basically, all the credit card companies attempt to intimidate merchants
    into getting as much "verification" as possible. But with the card
    present, it's *guaranteed* payment to the merchant with or without

    Merchants fall for this to varying degrees--some ask for nothing.
    Others will ask for ID, carefully match signatures, etc. I've noticed
    over time that it's the "bad" parts of town that usually have the most
    "verification" going one has ever asked for any kind of
    "verification" at pricey restaurants or upscale stores. But walk into
    the Nasty Neighborhood store and try to buy a t-shirt and watch what

    BTW, same applies to traveler's checks. Payment is guaranteed to
    merchants; no exceptions. They are like bearer bonds. But almost all
    merchants demand picture ID/driver's license and write down numbers,
    etc. because AmEx (and others) have intimidated them.
    Big Kahuna, May 9, 2005
  11. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    The right cleaner is Stoddard Solvent. Used to be able to buy it in bulk
    at the service station, but no more.

    Fortunately, you can still buy it as Charcoal Starter. Spray bottle is
    convenient, too.

    Ted Crum
    1988 K75c
    Guest, May 9, 2005
  12. Larry xlax Lovisone

    notbob Guest

    Is parts cleaner solvent just Stoddard's solvent? I've used both and knew
    they were very similar, but didn't know they were one and the same.
    I used to buy mine at Standard stations that still had service bays.
    They'd have these old hand-crank square tanks over in the corner with
    stuff like Solvent #1, kerosene, etc, and you could buy each for about $2
    gal bulk. I probably still have a couple gals laying around here,
    someplace. Before I made the post you replied to, I called our best
    auto parts store and they quoted about $8 gal (yikes!). I also know
    that most companies that sell motorized parts washers (the sink,
    motor, and barrel) usually include a local provider that will sell in
    bulk and provide recycling. Lord knows this stuff is undoubtedly now
    considered a toxic substance (what isn't!? ;).

    notbob, May 9, 2005
  13. I don't understand what the problem is here. Keying in your zip code
    is a small price to pay.

    I had a credit card stolen--apparently right off the counter at
    Orchard Supply. I realized it was missing only the next day, and
    called up to cancel it. By that time there were just over $100 in
    charges, and all of them were for gas.

    Apparently the guy filled up his car and some of his friends' cars.
    Why? Because gas stations were (then) the only place you could use a
    credit card without any verification whatsoever.

    So whether it's the gas stations' idea or the credit card company's
    idea, can you blame them for wanting to protect themselves?
    blazing laser, May 9, 2005
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    notbob Guest

    One slice at a time. How much more info do you have to give up for
    the right to pay the cc companies?
    Quit frankly, I couldn't give a flying fsck about protecting them!
    They spend hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying for ...and
    getting!... laws that protect themselves. I'm more worried about the
    laws protecting me from them!

    notbob, May 10, 2005
  15. A small price to pay for what, $3.00 gas? Bah. I'll go elsewhere.

    Anyway, I was really just grousing about the fact that I couldn't key in
    my zip code without removing my gloves, slowing down my hyper-efficient
    fueling routine.

    I'm one of those crazy gasoline-soaked dumbasses (just connecting the
    threads here) that fills up while sitting on the bike. Wasn't that a
    DoD Squid purity question at some point? I know, future Darwin award,
    A Flock of Nazguls, May 10, 2005
  16. A small price to pay for what, $3.00 gas? Bah. I'll go elsewhere.

    Anyway, I was really just grousing about the fact that I couldn't key in
    my zip code without removing my gloves, slowing down my hyper-efficient
    fueling routine.

    I'm one of those crazy gasoline-soaked dumbasses (just connecting the
    threads here) that fills up while sitting on the bike. Wasn't that a
    DoD Squid purity question at some point? I know, future Darwin award,
    A Flock of Nazguls, May 10, 2005
  17. A small price to pay for what, $3.00 gas? Bah. I'll go elsewhere.

    Anyway, I was really just grousing about the fact that I couldn't key in
    my zip code without removing my gloves, slowing down my hyper-efficient
    fueling routine.

    I'm one of those crazy gasoline-soaked dumbasses (just connecting the
    threads here) that fills up while sitting on the bike. Wasn't that a
    DoD Squid purity question at some point? I know, future Darwin award,
    A Flock of Nazguls, May 10, 2005
  18. A small price to pay for what, $3.00 gas? Bah. I'll go elsewhere.

    Anyway, I was really just grousing about the fact that I couldn't key in
    my zip code without removing my gloves, slowing down my hyper-efficient
    fueling routine.

    I'm one of those crazy gasoline-soaked dumbasses (just connecting the
    threads here) that fills up while sitting on the bike. Wasn't that a
    DoD Squid purity question at some point? I know, future Darwin award,
    A Flock of Nazguls, May 10, 2005
  19. Larry xlax Lovisone, May 10, 2005
  20. And with that, "Larry xlax Lovisone" suddenly disappeared from
    Greek Shipping Magnets, May 10, 2005
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