Cadwell Today

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by antonye, May 7, 2004.

  1. antonye

    antonye Guest

    antonye, May 7, 2004
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  2. antonye

    Sorby Guest

    Some lovely pics there Ant - glad you had a good time.

    Presumably a pro photographer? What was the deal - did DSC hire him for the
    day or did he just turn up and sell you prints (and presumably in your case
    the original digital images) ?

    Do you mind me asking what he charged for the files?
    I often get asked for the originals but never know what to charge.
    People say "Oh, nah I don't want to buy any prints - just bung the originals
    on a CD - and I'll give you a quid for the CD - it'll save you the cost of
    printing them." ... the cahnts.
    It only costs me about 20p per 7x5" print at Jessops!
    Sorby, May 7, 2004
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  3. antonye

    Statto Guest

    Oil leak sorted then?
    Statto, May 7, 2004
  4. antonye

    Christofire Guest

    Lovely. I'll have to get back there for a second go at Cadwell, and on
    something quicker than the SV.
    Christofire, May 7, 2004
  5. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Yes -

    He had a very sorted outfit. Big van with about 3-4 pcs in
    it which his staff would take you through a thumbnail view
    of whatever group you were in until you spotted yourself.

    They then went through and took out all your pics and plonked
    them into a directory for you to pick from. They then did a
    slide-show so you could choose which ones you liked.

    They did varying sizes of printed pics, which would be sent
    later, or you could have them on the day on a CD.

    The CD cost £10 plus £2 per pic, but you could have the lot
    of the pics for £30. I got 23 pics of me - 2464x1632 on
    a Nikon D2H (according to XP!) - plus they bundled in 143
    pics taken throughout the day, including some group shots
    and random track shots.

    Not bad at all really, considering the usual price/delay
    of "proper" prints. The CD took less than 5 minutes to
    produce as they had blanks pre-printed with the company
    label, and it gets stuffed into a DVD case with printed cover.

    Quite impressive and the quality, as you say, is excellent.
    antonye, May 7, 2004
  6. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Turned out to be two loose bolts on the inspection plate
    behind the cambelts! Just whipped off the battery, tray
    and cambelt cover and tightened them up. Didn't miss a
    session but went out again and my gear level came off
    half way round...
    antonye, May 7, 2004
  7. antonye

    Statto Guest

    Excellent. It's a shame you didn't do at least one session with the
    Ventura (?) luggage ;-)

    Eek! Or is that *parp*?
    Statto, May 7, 2004
  8. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Going full tilt into Coppice and reaching for a non-
    existant gear lever is slightly sphincter tightening!
    antonye, May 7, 2004
  9. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Yes I did, but only when I got back last night.
    I'll email you back and we'll sort something...
    antonye, May 8, 2004
  10. antonye

    dwb Guest

    It was £25 two years ago :)
    dwb, May 8, 2004
  11. antonye

    antonye Guest

    There's inflation for you.
    antonye, May 8, 2004
  12. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Damn photographer waiting until I got the bike upright...
    antonye, May 8, 2004
  13. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Yes I did. I don't have Visio at home, and keep forgetting
    to forward the email to work so I can look at it ... but
    I checked the JPG and it made **** all sense, so I hope
    the Visio is better ;-)

    So yes, I'll sort that too.
    antonye, May 8, 2004
  14. antonye

    Molly Guest

    Molly, May 9, 2004
  15. antonye

    antonye Guest

    Thank you sir. I mean ma'am.
    antonye, May 9, 2004
  16. antonye

    Molly Guest

    S'aright, I get confused also.
    Molly, May 9, 2004
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