c*r insurance - elephant.co.uk

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Doing the searching about for car insurance and these lot come up
    seriously cheaper than anyone else.

    Has the massed ranks of UKRM any experience of them, good or bad?
    Gyp, Jan 10, 2004
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  2. Gyp

    Kiran Guest

    Car with them atm - they're owned by Admiral/Bell Direct. Seemed fairly
    efficient - not made a claim though.
    Kiran, Jan 10, 2004
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  3. Gyp

    Linger Guest

    Ta, I just got a quote for a SOC that I have been given!
    Rover 216 J-plate. They came up miles cheaper! I've only
    had a bike policy in my name so I'm a bit of an insurance nightmare.
    Linger, Jan 11, 2004
  4. Gyp

    wessie Guest

    I used to be insured with Admiral. Like Kiran, I found them efficient &
    never made a claim. They include cover for use in Europe and a loan car as
    standard which some other companies charge for.

    On my last car renewal they were not the cheapest. I'm now insured by Kwik
    Fit which, fortunately, is only a marketing deal with Hastings Direct
    rather than something operated by retards in overalls. You can get a quote
    online www.kwikfit.com
    wessie, Jan 11, 2004
  5. Gyp

    Kiran Guest

    Well, it's common for any newcomer to the market to price aggressively to
    get market share. Elephant IIRC are fairly new and it's Admiral's first
    stab at a mainly online insurer. Once they've done this for a year or
    two, price will inevitably go up. With our car, elephant were about 30%
    cheaper than the best of the other quotes we had. Still, renewal time
    will be interesting.
    Kiran, Jan 11, 2004
  6. Gyp

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    As mentioned elsewhere they're actually part of Admiral. I insure my car
    through Admiral, but the way to do it (I have found) is to get a quote from
    Heffalump then telephone Admiral and tell them that's what you're going to
    pay... works well, they take your details, go away and check everything
    against the online quote, then call back and make you the offer. Which is
    good if like me for some irrational reason you'll buy most anything online
    but car insurance just feels wrong. I think it feels wrong because you know
    the slimeball's will wriggle out of anything if there's 'owt wrong with your
    policy details and you can double check everything as you go through on the
    telephone, stuff like "exactly which model do you drive?" (fucked if I
    know)... oh I'm probably writing shite, but I don't like the idea of buying
    online insurance online for some dumb reason.
    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 11, 2004
  7. Gyp

    Eddie Guest

    They were outrageously cheap for me, with no NCB. So cheap that I put
    the details in about three times, just to make sure I hadn't made a mistake.

    I also put the same details into Admiral's website (parent company, same
    forms, different colour scheme), just to see - came out nearly as cheap.
    Eddie, Jan 11, 2004
  8. Gyp

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    I didn't like them. They seemed efficient, but then it is you that does
    the hard work. They were not the cheapest when it came to renewal, and
    weren't even polite when I said I'd got better quotes.

    I did have a customer at work that did make a claim through them, and
    reckoned they were pants, and wasn't going to be renewing.

    I actually renewed through the AA the next year, as they were actually
    the cheapest. For the first time in 22 years of driving the renewal for
    this years premium was lower, so we stuck with them.
    Andy Hewitt, Jan 11, 2004
  9. Gyp

    A.Lee Guest

    Well, going against the general view, I did a quote, and they were
    actually £30ish more than I currently pay (Norwich Union), even though I
    have an extra years NCB this year, and I'll also be 40 soon (if age makes
    any difference now).
    A.Lee, Jan 11, 2004
  10. Gyp

    Kiran Guest

    Hmm, I tried that, and it didn't work. Bod on the phone said I had to buy
    it over the web. Which I wasn't too fussed about anyway.
    Kiran, Jan 11, 2004
  11. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    I tried the AA and they came out £386 more expensive than Elephant who
    were £240.

    Fully agree that cheapest is not necessarily best.

    NU renewal of £446 was a bit of a joke, but I can knock £116 off that by
    taking my elderly father off. Oddly taking SWMBO off the insurance
    increases the cost by about £40. Obviously they have never seen her
    Gyp, Jan 11, 2004
  12. Gyp

    fish Guest

    you want to try and insure a MR2 at 22 then cos i got rid of it before a
    year a megan cab with no NCB, i thought they laughed hard when I got a bike

    fish, Jan 11, 2004
  13. Gyp

    Alan Crowder Guest

    They were miles cheaper than anywhere for my 4 Litre Jag, and i mean
    miles, i thought it was a mistake and asked them to check again and they
    said no it was right.....so i paid quick.

    God knows what goes on if you have to claim.

    SP1 for FUN, JAG for Comfort.
    BOTAFOT #148
    Alan Crowder, Jan 11, 2004
  14. Gyp

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    LOL, IKWYM :)
    Andy Hewitt, Jan 11, 2004
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